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失恋的感觉会是怎样?Can lovelorn feeling be how?

与此同时,周先生仍然处在失恋的痛苦中。Meanwhile, Mr. Zhou is still lovelorn.

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但是,害了相思病的年轻情侣们都私奔何方呢?But, where do lovelorn young couples elope?

这是他们的心声,也是我们对失恋的心声。It is their voice, but also our lovelorn heart.

恋爱并非大过天,失恋也如此。Love is not greater than days, lovelorn also do so.

一个失恋后调整心情的最好方法是什么?。What is a best method that the mood adjusts after be lovelorn ?

有谁会看出来这是一个新近失恋的人吗?Who can say he looks like a lovelorn who has just parted with girlfreind?

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失恋了又如何,可不可以别放情歌,那声音听着好寂寞。Lovelorn again how, can you put other songs, listening to the voice so lonely.

但现在的女人在一点上越来越有共识了——失恋不能失态。But now the woman at one point more and more consensus -- the lovelorn cannot lose.

梁母炒股失败,美丽又失恋,只能将房子卖掉还债。Bridge mother fries a failure, beauty is lovelorn again, can sell repay a debt the house only.

主要展现刚刚失恋的潇潇,在室友玲玲正处于热恋的环境中的心理情绪变化。This is about Xiaoxiao who is just lovelorn. Her psychological changes when her roommates is in love.

失恋无助的程思思在花城广场漫无目地行走时,突然收到一封邮件。Lovelorn helpless Cheng Sisi in huacheng square overflowing walk, do not have suddenly received an email.

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爱情既是风险投资,难免有去无回,失恋是再正常不过的事情。Love is not only the venture capital, has not returns, is lovelorn is unavoidably again the normal matter.

有人说,觉得失恋痛苦的女人,是因为在感情中付出太多,回不了头。Some people say, think the lovelorn woman suffering, because the feelings to pay too much, can not return head.

可是,年轻人,我怎么发现你对失恋的投入甚至比对恋爱的投入还要倾心呢?However, young people, how do I find your input on the lovelorn even than love, but also attracted to invest it?

两人邀请人们提供恋爱纪念品及其背后的故事,希望用此方式让失恋者们释怀和疗伤,得到众多人士的热烈回应。They invited people with souvenirs and the underlying love story, making those who are obsessed with lovelorn heal.

为鼓励程思思走出失恋阴影,他为她制定了一套相互约定的“幸福计划”。To encourage Cheng Sisi walked out of the lovelorn shadow, he has developed a mutual agreement for her happiness project.

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正如一个人在毒瘾发作时挣扎一样,她说,一个失恋的人会痴迷渴望,甚至歪曲事实。Just as a person would while fighting a drug addiction, she said, a lovelorn person obsesses, craves and distorts reality.

如果说失恋是天崩地裂,那么我想使练就如同细水长流,慢慢的吞噬你的心灵……If the feeling of being lovelorn is like earth shattering, then I am eager to get the hang of capturing your heart little by little.

或许,暗恋的人永远也不会失恋,但暗恋这种滋味真的要比失恋好么?Maybe, secret-lover giver will no be lovelorn forever, but is the feeling of unrequited love any better than that of being lovelorn?