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是的,我认识。她是安吉丽娜·朱力。Yes, I do. She is Angelina Jolie.

我是指,安吉莉娜·朱莉和埃及艳后,难道不令人激动吗?I mean, Angelina Jolie and Cleopatra?

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安洁莉娜裘莉的裤子分裂,在英国首演!Angelina Jolie's Pants Split At UK Premiere!

总所周知,皮特的女友安吉丽娜。茱莉是一名忠实的利村球迷。Pitt's partner Angelina Jolie is a well-known Kopite.

想想“印钞机”布拉德和安吉丽娜吧!Think of the earning machine that Brad and Angelina are.

安吉丽娜在七岁那年出演了她的处女作。Angelina made her movie debut at the tender age of seven.

让刘德华的儿子取你的网站名为名字。Get Angelina Jolie to name her next baby after your site.

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安吉丽娜·朱莉亚怀了双胞胎的谣言是真的。And the rumors are true. Angelina Jolie is expecting twins.

但是皮特和朱莉并非比赛场唯一的名人。But Brad and Angelina weren’t the only famous faces at the game.

安吉丽娜。希门尼斯失去了在世贸中心双子塔工作母亲。Angelina Jimenez lost her mother who was working in the Twin Towers.

据这个慈善机构管理人的透露,“安吉丽娜以布拉德已经向在埃塞俄比亚,约旦,乍得和海地的‘儿童村’的建立提供了支持,为人父母的他们深知儿童对于家庭的需要是不分国界的。”Angelina and Brad know that children’s need for a family is universal.

天生一对---当这个词用在布兰德。皮特和安吉丽娜。朱莉身上的时候,是那么的迷人。Twins -- when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have them, it's fascinating.

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安吉丽娜朱莉的魅力让她不管走到哪里都大受瞩目。Angelina Jolie has the kind of charm that turns heads wherever she goes.

安吉莉娜-朱力被称为最受尊敬的人道主义者名人。Angelina Jolie has been called the most respected celebrity humanitarian.

11岁时,安吉丽娜开始在李·斯特拉伯格表演学院学习。At age 11 Angelina began studying at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute.

我去不了霍格莫德,安吉利娜要训练一整天。I can't come into Hogsmeade at all, Angelina wants a full day's training.

第二天早上吃早饭的时候,安吉丽娜发现了一个写着她的名字的大礼物盒。The next morning at breakfast Angelina found a large box with her name on it.

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首先,布拉德和安吉丽娜的孩子们每人都配备有一名保姆。First of all, Brad and Angelina have one nanny for each of their six children.

如果布拉德皮特当选的话,安吉丽娜朱莉就会成为新奥尔良的第一夫人啦。If we elect Brad Pitt mayor, Angelina Jolie would be the First Lady of New Orleans.

克罗地亚总统和他的妻子塔尼娅与安吉合影。The president of Croatia and his wife Tanja posed for a picture with Angelina Jolie.