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铁一起皱,针。Iron a crease and pin.

有一个摺痕我该怎麽办?There is a crease what can I do?

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小心别把我的书弄皱了。Be careful not to crease up my book.

去除颈部细纹,令肌肤紧致细嫩。Do away with the thin Crease of neck.

不要让你的彩妆化掉。Don't let your makeup fade or crease.

小心别把这些书页弄皱了!Be careful not to crease up the page !

人口的增长使节制生育成为必要。In crease in population made birth control necessary.

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正常的平滑的表面上出现的皱纹,或折痕。A furrow, ridge or crease on a normally smooth surface.

不要坐地太久,否则你的新衣服会弄皱的。Don't sit for too long or you'll crease your new dress.

把衣服细心装好,免得弄皱了。Pack the clothes carefully so that you don't crease them.

人造丝比天然丝更易起皱吗?。Does artificial silk crease more easily than natural silk?

我打开提箱时,发现我的新连衣裙全绉了。When I unpack the suitcase, I find my new dress full of crease.

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他挨着她,走在她前面一点,眼睛始终眯着,眉毛皱着。His eyes were still narrowed, and there was a crease on his brow.

问题的关键是在肘部的肌腱上的折痕方内。The point is at the elbow crease on the inner side of the tendon.

问题的关键是在肘部的肌腱上的折痕边外。The point is at the elbow crease on the outer side of the tendon.

即使在你做强度运动时也不会掉装或模糊。They won’t crease or smudge even during the most strenuous exercise.

我们被马来人四面包围了,他们每个人都有一把波浪短刃。We were surrounded on all sides by Malays, armed each with a crease.

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一个在公园散步的人弯腰抚平裤子上的皱痕。When a man walking in a park bent down to fix a crease in his pants.

可提高羊毛织物的褶皱恢复性能和回弹性能。Enhance the crease recovery and rebound properties of the wool fabric.

一条模糊的褶皱出现在她的眉宇之间,她似乎不清楚……There was a faint crease between her eyebrows that she seemed unaware of.