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我想买个六分仪。I want to buy a sextant.

这个六分仪很难用。The sextant is hard to use.

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海精灵的六分仪有什么效用?What can you use the Sextant of the Sea Elves for?

另外的早期仪器还有六分仪和星盘。Other early instruments included the sextant and the astrolabe.

试想一下在没有六分仪和其他仪器的帮助下,仅用肉眼观测就来推断的困难吧。Imagine trying to deduce this with the naked eye, a sextant and little else.

导航器还必须知道如何使用复杂的仪器称为六分仪。A navigator also had to know how to use a complex instrument called a sextant.

有六扇可开启的窗户、望远镜、六分仪、以及3具甲板航灯!Features 6 opening windows, a telescope and sextant as well as 3 deck lanterns!

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从六分仪观测海拔高度降低至9110年的任何恒星,九个行星,太阳和月亮。Reduction from sextant altitude to observed altitude for any of the 9110 stars, nine planets, and sun and moon.

当在水面时,航海士官长们可以使用六分仪来获得航行定位以作为我们现代定位系统的备用资料。When on the surface, the quartermasters may use a sextant to obtain navigation fixes as a backup to our modern day systems.

罗盘能被用来测算方向,用六分仪测算纬度,用航海钟来测算经度。A compass can be used to calculate heading, used with a sextant to calculate latitude, and with a marine chronometer to calculate longitude.

从日常饮食规定来看,你可能会认为减肥比多云的夜晚用猎户座校准六分仪还要复杂。From the instructions for some diets, you'd think losing weight was more complicated than calibrating a sextant against Orion on a cloudy night.

目的评价微创三节段经皮椎弓根螺钉内固定术治疗胸腰椎骨折的效果。Objective To assess the therapeutic effect of mini-invasive percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in thoracolumbar fracture using multi-level Sextant system.

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从截取和定位多方位的六分仪观测下列程序计算的航海年历由美国海军天文台。Position from intercept and azimuth by calculation for multiple sextant observations following procedures in The Nautical Almanac by the United States Naval Observatory.