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我们刚刚连着干了三次呢!We had just fucked three times!

这回你可真他妈搞砸了。You really fucked up this time.

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我被电话推销员给骗了。I got fucked by the telemarketer.

BBW乌木人称和热辣受骗的!BBW Ebony Hottie Fucked and Jizzed On!

春运真把我折腾的够呛!The Spring-transport really fucked me up!

下雨使我们野餐的计划泡汤了。The rain fucked up our plans to go on a picnic.

“现在你可真是搞砸了”护林员喘着气说道。" You've really fucked up now, " the ranger gasped.

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明知道这只是一场空,还要不断地麻醉自己。Fucked with a Deadfish , I Realized that i was Confussed.

有你们这样的笨蛋插手。事情很容易被弄砸。Things can easily be fucked up by twits like you take a hand.

我知道说这些应该遭到谴责。I know, I should be fucked with a lucite heel for saying that.

我完全不在意你们两个骗子男同性恋对我喷的粪!I don't get fucked in mine like you two little flaming faggots!

有你们这样的笨蛋插手,事情就会很容易搞糟。Things can easily be fucked up by twits like you taking a hand.

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给出了一简便的评估欺骗方案优劣的数学方法。Furthermore, we put forward t mats method in fucked project evaluate.

我要找别人来做这个广告,你们的广告蠢到家了!I'm going to get someone else to do the ads because this is fucked up.

我妈呢觉得有人说你毙了,你就毙了。And my mom thought that if anyone says you're fucked up, they're fucked up.

每个人都祝贺你,但谁也不知道多少次你都完蛋了。Everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you were fucked.

如果你残忍的隔离了一个社会生物,他们当然会变得很操蛋。If you severely isolate a social creature, of course it’s gonna get fucked up.

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我本来是什么都不想说的,但是这次他们惹错了对象。I was going to keep my mouth shut but they fucked with the wrong guy this time.

于是作为替代我找了个暖床的狠命地操到脑子里的疯狂平息。Instead I summoned a bed-warmer and fucked her vigorously until the madness passed.

有时就是有事发生才会让我们意识到我们有多混蛋。It takes something fucked-up to happen to us for us to realise how big we fucked up.