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他永不会原谅她不洁的媾和。He never forgave her unholy alliance.

我知道这听起来邪恶和荒谬的。I know this sounds unholy and rediculous.

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以命令的口气说话的人通常都是邪恶的无赖。People who pontificate are usually unholy bores.

邪恶是芬兰前卫的厄运金属乐队。Unholy was a finnish avantgarde doom metal band.

看一切人都是菩萨,唯我一人实是凡夫。See all the people are Buddha, the only one I really unholy.

可以当作血魄、冰霜或者秽邪符文来用。They can be used as if they were a Blood, Frost, or Unholy rune.

很简单,因为今天的NBA已经让白人吓得屁滚尿流了。Simple. Because today's NBA scares the unholy shit out of white people.

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恐惧打击消耗血、不洁、冰霜符文个一。Forgot to say, Temenos strike takes one blood, one unholy and one frost rune.

血系需要破甲而邪恶系不需要死骑冰霜天赋之类的情况确实是一个问题。It is a problem that, say, Blood wants armor penetration and Unholy does not.

叛道潘神对一个腐烂的树妖尸体加以魔力,使其获得不洁的新生命。The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Dryad.

这可能意味着血系和死骑冰霜天赋邪恶系不可能再双持。This will likely mean that Blood and Unholy dual-wield ecs just won't work anymore.

我慢慢地闭上眼睛,琢磨他们在夜里达成了什么样的邪恶交易。I close my eyes slowly, wondering what kind of unholy deal they've struck in the night.

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因为他们操行巫术和邪恶的祭祀,作出了最可憎恶的事。You hated them because of their detestable practices, their sorcery and unholy worship.

她被豺狼和其他不神圣的人围绕着,那是火葬场的人。She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground.

容格也暗示了邪恶三位一体的存在,它对抗着上帝的三位一体的显现。Jung also hinted to the presence of an Unholy Trinity opposing the triune manifestations of God.

其先祖为弗兰肯斯坦医生所创造的著名怪物。它们的赠礼是不洁之力。Their Progenitor was the famous Frankenstein's monster, and their Bestowment is Unholy Strength.

这显然是不太好的,因为一个缺少天谴打击而用灭寂来代替的邪恶天赋确实不好玩。That would be bad, because an Obliterate-based Unholy build is a lot less fun or distinct to play.

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在无休止的战斗中,她为铁卫军竭尽全力净化被邪恶的天谴军团污染的土地。She fights alongside the Sentinel in the neverending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge.

而削弱邪恶虫群的原因是我们认为瘟疫打击这个技能应该更强、打得更多。The nerf to Unholy Blight was in part because we think SS will be contributing to more damage overall.

由此,符文打击制造仇恨的灵活运用就是冰霜系用冰霜打击,而血魄系和秽邪系则用死亡缠绕。So, for active use of RP for threat, Frost will use Frost Strike, while Blood and Unholy will use Death Coil.