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这是一个关于老师的故事,老师的名字叫伊卡博德?克雷恩。It is about a schoolteacher whose name is Ichabod Crane.

有些人说她是个成功的长期教师,其他人说Some say she was a sort of long-term successful schoolteacher.

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那教师在他学生父母家中找到搭伙及寄宿的地方。The schoolteacher found lodging in the house of his pupils'parents.

考比亚在肯尼亚长大,父母分别是土建工程师和学校的老师。Kobia grew up in Kenya, the son of a civil engineer and a schoolteacher.

这位老师最后制作了50个南瓜灯,且各个风格独特,造型各异。The schoolteacher turned out 50 of them, all with unique faces and features.

现在学者们的分歧是,他的母亲当了多久教师。Now there is a difference between scholars on how long she was a schoolteacher.

在湖南正在调查的另一例为一名36岁学校教师。The additional case under investigation in Hunan is a 36-year-old schoolteacher.

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在今天的这幅漫画中,一位教师看来已经接受了对这段历史的重新评估,但又有点过了。In today's cartoon a schoolteacher seems to have taken this reassessment rather far.

安娜玛利亚并不想像妈妈一样做一名裁缝,她想成为一名教师。Ana María does not want to be a seamstress like her mother but rather a schoolteacher.

圭多爱上了朵拉,一位教师,他称之为“公主”,出现在不经意的时候法院。Guido falls for Dora a schoolteacher whom he calls "princess" and courts by popping up at unexpected times.

几个星期以前,我还只是田纳西州山区小城镇戴顿的一个默默无闻的教师。A few weeks before I had been an unknown schoolteacher in Dayton, a little town in the mountains of Tennessee.

这位年轻的教师利用业余时间,在首都的101区一座阁楼上操办了一个设计团体。In his free time, the young schoolteacher runs a design community in a loft in the capital's hip 101 District.

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她们彼此依靠着,从胖到瘦,从大盛的头发到及脚踝长度的典型80年代学校女老师装扮的裙子。They stick by each other through thick and thin, through big hair and ankle-length '80s schoolteacher dresses.

迄今为止,这位学校教师在发掘马英九论文中的内容遗漏和来源引述错误方面所做的努力已经受到阻碍。So far, efforts to locate the missing and misidentified sources for Ma's thesis have left the schoolteacher stymied.

Cuthbert的跑步生涯已经长达十年,她是由她的成长地,即新南威尔士的一个小镇上的教师训练的。Cuthbert had been running for ten years, trained by a schoolteacher in the little New South Wales town in which she grew up.

同样,一位在课堂上无法忍受孩子们的教师也不需要拿出他所有的证书。Likewise, the schoolteacher who really can't stand young children in a classroom environment may not list all his credentials.

玛丽.哈里斯在与她的丈夫结婚时是田纳西州的一名教师,她的丈夫是钢铁工人,名叫乔治.琼斯,他们有四个孩子。Mary Harris was a schoolteacher in the state of Tennessee when she married an iron worker named George Jones. They had four children.

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爱娃出生在1912年2月,在慕尼黑教师弗里茨布劳恩三个女儿中排行老二,是个“青春逼人、金发碧眼,活泼,风趣”的人。Born in February 1912, the second of three daughters of Munich schoolteacher Fritz Braun, Eva was “young, blonde, athletic, fun-loving.”

工人们认为这些骨头是熊的,就将其中一些留给了卡尔·富尔罗特,一个当地教师、业余博物学家。Thinking the bones were from a bear, the workers saved some of them for a local schoolteacher and amateur naturalist, Johann Carl Fuhlrott.

然而显而易见的事,出售而收者的人所得的收入要远远大于护士,而研究化学试剂的人也比学校里的老师赚得要多。Yet it is almost certain that the used-car saleman earns more than the nurse , and that research chemist earns more than the schoolteacher.