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行为主义则不同。Behaviorism is different.

有什么关于行为主义的问题吗?Any questions about behaviorism?

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首先是对行为主义的异议。First it is a reaction to behaviorism.

因为第一势力是行为主义。Because the first force was behaviorism.

你们关于行为主义的问题是什么?What are your questions about behaviorism?

行为主义的第二个观点,是反心理主义。A second aspect of behaviorism was anti-mentalism.

这是行为主义的三个基本观点。So, here are the three general positions of behaviorism.

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今天我们先来讲讲精神分析理论,下周再谈行为主义理论。And I want to talk about psychoanalysis today and behaviorism next week.

新制度主义是在批判行为主义基础上发展起来的。New institutionalism develops on the basis of reaction against behaviorism.

根据行为主义,婴儿会觉得这东西没什么意思Now, remember from behaviorism the baby will learn this isn't very interesting.

哈罗德•D•拉斯韦尔是行为主义学派的先驱者和精英理论的代表人物之一。Harold D. Lasswell is the precursor of the behaviorism school and elites theory.

言归正传,行为主义的核心,由三个非常极端又很有趣的观点组成。Now, at the core of behaviorism are three extremely radical and interesting views.

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行为主义者从来都没分清楚生理学和行为主义的区别。The behaviorists never succeeded in making clear the difference between physiology and behaviorism.

行为主义的观点认为,你的知识,你的一切,都是经验的产物。The strong view of behaviorism is everything you know, everything you are, is the result of experience.

五零年代,心理学的行为主义,深深地影响了语言学的发展及观念。In the 1940s and 1950s, behaviorism in psychology overwhelmingly influenced the concepts of linguistics.

学习动机的研究,已经从行为主义的动机观发展到社会文化的动机观。Learning motivation research has developed from behaviorism motivation to the social and cultural motivation.

本文从信息加工理论的角度阐述了构建结构的依据并据此构建了教师课堂教学技能的结构。We specify the basis of the structure from the point of view of behaviorism and information-processing theory.

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但是行为主义者没能解释好,为什么不同的人会以不同的方式来适应相同的条件。But behaviorism fails to explain why different people adjust themselves to the same conditions in different ways.

之后,我还想讲讲对行为主义的反对,但这三个原则是非常重要的,也是很有意思的。And then, I want to turn to objections to behaviorism but these three principles are powerful and very interesting.

在设计智能机器人过程中,如何来实现行为主义的思想,在与环境的交互中学习行为动作?In design of intelligent robot, How is the behaviorism realized to learn the action in interacting with environment?