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无论如何,他们热切地希望这样。They fervently hoped so, at any rate.

他们的要求将遭到严词拒绝。Their claims will be fervently denied.

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一周七天每天我都为众生祈愿。I pray fervently for everyone I've failed to pray for in weeks.

不管吉姆有多么诚心地祈祷自己会飞,他很快就从半空中落了下来。As fervently as Jim prayed to fly, he quickly descended from the heavens.

我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.

如此热诚呈献的祷词将提升你挚爱之灵。Such a petition, fervently presented, will elevate the spirit of all your devotions.

一天,当Rafe说,“我希望我永远都四岁”时,我热切地表示赞同。When Rafe said the other day, "I wish I could stay four for ever", I agreed fervently.

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布洛尔相信在安全性上他们的电池更优越。Mr Bolloré believes fervently that his batteries are superior, mainly because they are safer.

弟弟的手术日子定了,我们全家和小镇居民为他恒切地祷告。An operation was scheduled. Our family and town prayed fervently for my brother's safe-keeping.

大昌人热诚欢迎各界朋友光临指导、考察、洽谈业务。Dachang People will fervently welcome all circles' friend come for guide, visit and negotiation.

Sackstein坚信他的发现值得获得专利,而且他也获得了欧洲和日本的专利。Sackstein fervently believes his discoverydeserves a patent, and it was granted one in Europe and Japan."You

其创造性的大小取决于你把它当真的热切程度,这将决定它在你经验中显现的程度。To the extent that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience.

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在一定时候,严肃的作家必须自己积极致力于把我们自己的体验转化为艺术。At some point, serious writers must commit ourselves as fervently to transforming our own experiences into art.

尽管充斥着问题和荒谬,其仍然是一个自负和过分民族化的国家。Yet even with these numerous ills and absurdities, it remains an overly proud, fervently nationalistic country.

和四个哥哥生活之后,她每晚热切地向上帝祷告,希望能让舅母生个女孩。After living with four brothers, she had prayed fervently to God every night for Him to let her aunt have a girl.

民主是一种对公平的坚定信念,注定要在历史的火炉里一次次地接受考验。Democracy is a just faith fervently held, a commitment to be tested again and again in the fiery furnace of history.

如果本雅明在他的大麻幻觉里,发现了一种神秘的语言,那是因为他太热切地想要找到这种语言了。If Benjamin discovered a mystic language in his hashish trance, it is because he so fervently wanted to discover it.

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或者他们坚信,他们选的老虎机只不过是有点着凉了,因此才不给他们机会赢。Or they’ll believe more fervently that they got a slot machine that had simply gone cold, offering them no chance to win.

不奇怪的是,调查发现那些没有一个高中文凭的人们倾向反对非法移民最热烈。Not surprisingly, surveys show that those without a high-school diploma tend to oppose illegal immigration most fervently.

她也已经看见神在这些地区的作为基督徒领袖们热心事奉,并热切地向那些非信徒传福音。She has seen how God is working in those areas-leaders are serving fervently and reaching out to the nonbelievers eagerly.