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但是别紧张。But don’t panic.

惊恐完全慑服了我,使我几乎麻痹。Panic paralyzed me.

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市场会恐慌。Markets would panic.

现在雷耶斯惶惶不安。Now Reyes is in a panic.

罗杰惊恐地尖叫着。Roger squeals in a panic.

沉住气!不要惊慌。Take it easy! Don't panic.

不必惊慌。There is no need to panic.

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庆祝变成了恐慌。Celebration turns to panic.

两个老友人,替何张皇?Two old friends, why panic?

她的脸因恐慌而变相了。Her face distorted in panic.

目前是否存在公众恐慌?IV. Is there a panic so far?

没什么要怕的。There is no reason to panic.

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如遇火警,不要惊慌。In case of fire, don't panic.

没理由需要恐慌。There is no reason for panic.

你可以祷告,也可以惊慌。You can either pray or panic.

恐慌后方向改变。Panic after orientation change.

许多商号在这场经济恐慌中破产了。Many firms went bung in the panic.

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他们在战火中也绝不会惊慌。Nor do they ever panic under fire.

这引起了地球人的恐慌。This causes the panic of earthman.

增大的恐慌到处传播谣言。Growing panic blew the rumour about.