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私下里他的感激之情恐怕并没有这么多。He will be less appreciative in private.

这位演员受到热烈喝彩,心里感到乐滋滋的。The actor basked in appreciative applause.

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男人非常感激的同时也很好奇。The man was very appreciative but curious.

他们对你的援助深为感激。They are deeply appreciative of your help.

这将学会少发牢骚,并更懂得珍惜。It would be less whiny and more appreciative.

我们对你的同志式的劝告表示感谢。We are appreciative of your comradely advice.

我有一个贤慧的妻子,但我觉得一无所有。I had a virtuous wife, but I wasn't appreciative.

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壹般而论这揭新闻社的工伧是让人感饯的。By and the work of the news agency is appreciative.

剧院里坐满了有欣赏力的听众。There was a large appreciative audience in the theatre.

要懂得珍惜,并且对任何收到的礼物都要说“谢谢”。Be appreciative and say "thank you" for any gift you receive.

但是同时我也更加感激这次经历。Yet, at the same time, I’m more appreciative of the experience.

他喝完了葡萄酒,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.

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Westmoreland表示答谢,并感激他的尊重。Westmoreland acknowledges that he’s appreciative of the respect.

如果您有此的照片,我们会是最有鉴赏力的。If you have a photo of this as well, we would be most appreciative.

这里的人爱玩乐,也够奇特,当然也能欣赏他的娱乐精神。L.A. is fun-loving, quirky, and appreciative of the spirit of play.

当笑剧演员说到一些好玩的事件,应该报以观赏式的掌声。When the comedian says funny things, there's the appreciative clap.

如果您能慷慨的给我一些建议,我将非常感激!If you can give me some advice bountifully, I will be very appreciative.

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双鱼的男人和女人们会非常感激的,永远也不会忘记你的体贴。Piscean men and women are appreciative and will not forget your thoughtfulness.

我们的7个学生引导员也受到了客人们的纷纷感谢。Our seven student guides also received many appreciative comments from our guests.

他只是对著作的再重现,一种让人快乐重现。They were simply evocations, appreciative evocations, of great works of literature.