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可以以此观念为例深思一段圣训。Pondering on one hadith can exemplify this notion.

王尔德的戏剧是风尚喜剧的典范。The plays of Wilds exemplify the comedy of manners.

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这三张图展示了不同种类的恶These three pictures exemplify different sorts of evil.

作为领导,你必须身体力行你的公司文化及其价值观。As a leader, you must exemplify the culture and its values.

在战争中,他们飘逸狠辣的进攻是神族武术的典范。They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.

通过学习这些誉满全球的产品的例证,我们就能更好地明白它良好的质量所在。We can best understand excellence by studying the products that exemplify it.

磺化萘酞菁镓的磷�盐示例此种染料。Phosphonium salts of sulfonated gallium naphthalocyanines exemplify such dyes.

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这部作品与贝多芬同时期的许多作品一样,诉说着世界的深奥,描绘着来世的理想世界。They exemplify the profundity and otherworldliness of many of his final works.

以自动豆浆机绿色设计为例,对该方法进行了实例验证。Green design of automatic soybean milk maker was used to exemplify this method.

被奶油般绸缎或是俄罗斯蓝色软毛包裹,舞者和猫咪很好的诠释了优雅。Wrapped in creamy satin or Russian blue fur, dancer and kitten exemplify grace.

不过,没人能够保证那些改变会是如同你所示范的那个样子。However, there is no guarantee that that change will be the change you exemplify.

奥斯卡和玛莉安的彼此祝福,展现出其温馨和深远的意义。In offering it to one another, Oscar and Marian exemplify its warmest and deepest meaning.

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众多的大型建筑群展示了中国的城市化进程,在中国每天都有不少新建筑群上马。As for the superblocks that exemplify China's urbanisation, a dozen new ones are built every day.

仇德树先生正是用他独特的艺术语言将心中的人文情怀在其画中得以体现。Using this unique technique, Qiu exemplify his understanding of human feelings through his art works.

以面向绿色设计的豆浆机产品客户群细分为例,验证了该方法。Green design oriented customer clustering of soybean milk maker is illustrated to exemplify the method.

该项目表现为条状建筑体,表现出了博士山的不同文化背景。The project is expressed as strips of building mass to exemplify the diverse cultural context of Box Hill.

这些恶魔的对立面,就是由塔戈特、里尔登,以及神秘的约翰·高尔特率领的个人主义者,是兰德本人的客观主义哲学观的典型。Their opponents, led by Taggart, Rearden, and theenigmatic John Galt, exemplify Rand's own philosophy of Objectivism.

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那我们就从这个音高开始,我喊到二然后我们一起唱,啦,我们来演示一下单音织体So we'll start it at pitch there and I'll give you two and then we'll sing "La" And we will exemplify monophonic texture.

武术作为这一方面的典型代表,引导修习者循序渐进以达到提升自身的目的。The martial arts exemplify this when they lead students through a program of progressive goal setting and self-improvement.

它们记录着决定中国命运的重大抉择,书写着中国化蛹成蝶的传奇经历。They record the significant choices determining the fate of China and exemplify the legendary course of China's transformation.