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擦伤会留下疤吗?好恐怖。Can abrade leave scar? Very horrible.

摔倒后皮肤就会擦伤一大块。The skin after trip is met abrade one chunk.

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服用脚擦伤药及皮肤过敏药会不会推迟女性月经的来临?Won't be pregnant. But if crural abrade medicine is external use medicine, can not take.

当绷带望远镜下来肢体的狗,它可以集中和研磨肢体。When the bandage telescopes down the limb of the dog it may bunch up and abrade the limb.

作为研磨加工的最后一道工序,使用的磨石需要具有较高的性能。As last working procedure of abrade treatment, use holystone needs to have taller property.

选用优质不锈钢材料,经过特殊处理制成,每箱出厂经耐蚀和耐磨的抽样试验。Every case take out some samples to examine by erode and abrade test before it leaved factory.

服用脚擦伤药及皮肤过敏药会不会推迟女性月经的来临?Take crural abrade medicine and skin allergy medicine to you can defer the advent of female menstruation?

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乘着越野车,飞机和气垫船对澳大利亚北部的广大沙漠,灌木丛和海岸线进行巡逻。They use Landrovers, planes and inflatable boats to convoying a massive breadth of desert, abrade and coastline.

锆石饰品应存放小心,因为虽然这个古老的宝石难、面、筹码可以研磨。Zircon jewelry should be stored carefully because although this ancient gem is hard, facets can abrade and chip.

口袋的内部将有将不擦伤在里面被使用者所插入的其他的印刷材料的一个表面。Inside of pockets is to have a surface which will not abrade other printed materials inserted within by end users.

高三九个班的同学除个别人稍微擦伤砸伤外,都没有大碍。Tall the classmate of the class removes individual person slight abrade is bungled outside, did not hinder greatly.

我们可以经历另外一个人的经历——也许这个人的个性和我们大相径庭。We can experience what it feels like to be another person – perhaps with a personality that would normally abrade us.

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也就是你可以研磨材质或表面涂层的一小部分并且让它们恢复成原本看起来的表面外观吗?。As in, can you abrade small particles of the material or surface coating and leave behind an original looking surface.

这种方法最主要的作用就是用锚链就抵抗凹凸不平的水底摩擦,否则的话尼龙绳很容易磨断。The primary function of chain is to handle the chafe from rough bottoms that would otherwise abrade the soft nylon line.

所有的美光的蜡都是非研磨性质的,它不含可能磨损车漆或制造潜划痕的污染成分。All Meguiar's waxes are non-abrasive, this means Meguiar's waxes contain no ingredients that will abrade the paint or instill a scratch.

缎纹织物中的浮长线容易磨损、起毛或纤维被勾出。因此,这类织物的强度低于平纹织物和斜纹织物。Floats in satin and sateen fabrics tend to snag and abrade easily, thus, such fabrics are not as durable as plain or twill weave fabrics.

微妙的内部元件没有打破,研磨或腐蚀,湖流量变送器将提供低维修服务多年。Without delicate internal components to break, abrade or corrode, the Lake flow transmitter will provide many years of low-maintenance service.

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但是目前油田上使用的球形单牙轮钻头由于牙齿先期磨损严重,影响了钻头的机械钻速和寿命。But now the use of the spherical one-cone bit shows that the teeth are abrade heavily in advance, which affects the velocity and life of the bit.

经检测试验,这种冰鞋效果非常可靠,具有更好的滑冰性能,不会变形,一个季度仅需研磨一次。Classics check checks check, effect of this kind of skate is very reliable, have better skating function, won't be out of shape, a quarter needs only abrade.

跌倒后的损伤有较轻的划伤、擦伤和更严重的损伤,如常见的导致功能活动严重受损的髋部骨折。The injury after falling has smaller cut, abrade and more severe loss, the coxa ministry fracture that if cause functional activity commonly, is damaged badly.