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清空回收站。Empty the Recycle Bin.

我同意王先生。Ich bin für Herr Wang.

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我同意王先生。Ich bin fuer Herr Wang.

奥马尔·本·拉丹,六岁。Omar bin Laden, age six.

我是在北京出生的。Ich bin in Peking geboren.

本拉登已经是过去式了。Bin Laden was already passé.

把垃圾丢弃在桶内。Dump the rubbish in the bin.

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我是在上海出生的。Ich bin in Shanghai geboren.

放到回收箱里。Put it in the recycling bin.

把你的垃圾放进箱子。Put your rubbish in the bin.

这是我的朋友,王斌。This is my friend, Wang Bin.

你们就不能有话直说吗?。Would you guys spin the bin.

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这是我的朋友张彬。This is my friend, Zhang Bin.

斌子这些东西一会你拿回去。Bin sub these things you back.

何彬,同济大学,中国。Bin He, Tongji University, China.

之后,我知道了他叫孙膑。After that, I know he Jiao Sun Bin.

阿迈勒成为拉登的第五任妻子。Amal became bin Laden's fifth wife.

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李彬不会说俄语,对不对?。Li Bin can't speak Russian, can he?

王宾经常给他叔叔发电子邮件。Wang Bin often emails to his uncle.

“三!”张斌很干脆的回答。" Three! " Zhang Bin simply answer.