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秦兵马俑是非常写实的。These terra cotta warriors are very life-like.

深陶土色带柔和的古铜和金色光芒。Deep terra cotta shade with a soft copper and gold shimmer.

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我想去看看兵马俑和阳朔的山。I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo.

三个坑分别定名为一、二、三号兵马俑坑。Three pit respectively denominate is 1, 2, 3 Terra Cotta Warriors pit.

学校走廊上悬挂的学生画的中国兵俑画。Student drawings of China's iconic terra cotta army hung in the hallway.

把兵马俑和唐三彩翻译时调换位置,是怕产生歧义,认为兵马俑也是唐代的。Three-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty and the terra cotta figures.

秦始皇在公元前210年死去后反抗者损坏了许多兵马俑。Rebels damaged many terra cotta soldiers after Qin Shi Huang Di died in210 B.C.

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明天,我将回去参观秦始皇兵马俑和古长城。Tomorrow, I look forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls.

我期待着明天参观兵马俑和古城墙。Tomorrow, I look for forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls.

一些陶件使我们“想起了分娩时愉快、混乱的场面。”Some terra cotta pieces “remind us of what a lusty, messy business giving birth really is.”

1974年西安发现站满数千个兵马俑的墓穴,震惊了世界。The 1974 discovery of buried vaults at Xi'an filled with thousands of terra cotta warriors stunned the world.

周朝帝王墓穴中出土的木佣,比兵马俑早了几个世纪。Wooden attendants stood watch in a Zhou king's tomb in Liangdai centuries before the terra cotta army was created.

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今天我们参观了兵马俑博物馆,它位于距离西安市大约四十公里的临潼区。Today we made a visit to Terra Cotta Warrior Museum which lies in Lintong District some forty kilometers from Xi'an.

他说,中国秦兵马俑展在休展出,对其本人和休市民众来说都是一个不容错过的好机会。He said that the Exhibition of Terra Cotta Warriors provided an excellent opportunity for him and the people of Houston.

1950年左右的一天,当他路过一座建筑的遗址时,他看到路旁躺着一个红土做的小天使的头。One day around 1950, as he passed a demolition site, he saw lying on the sidewalk the head of a cherub, cast in terra cotta.

皇帝也是不朽的,不过却被封在兵马俑中。So is the emperor, although it is a mixed blessing when you are immortal but mummified inside a thick cocoon of terra cotta.

在白色的工业方砖地板上还寻获了数百件粘土瓦片,这说明这个游泳池是个封闭式建筑。Hundreds of terra cotta roof tiles, found on a white industrial mosaic floor, indicate that the pool was a covered structure.

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将干酪蛋糕模倒扣在餐后甜点盘上,轻轻的将模子取起并将奶酪布丁留在盘中。Place dessert plate upside-down atop ramekin and invert, gently lifting off ramekin to allow panna cotta to settle onto plate.

除了猫石像以外,新发现的Bastet神庙还存在着希腊沉寂之神Harpocrates的半身像。In addition to stone and terra cotta cats, the newfound Bastet temple housed this bust of Harpocrates, the Greek god of silence.

很多卖装饰中心花园陶俑为种植盆、但他们输速度比其他类型的水容器。Many garden centers sell decorative terra cotta pots for planting in, but they lose water faster than other types of containers.