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在服装行业,巴黎仍然保持着领头羊的地位。Paris remains the bellwether of fashion industry.

我们再一次以乔治·卢卡斯的马首是瞻。Yet again, we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.

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所以你之前的趋势跟踪系统没项目部治理轨制汇编用了?So your old bellwether trend-following systems don't work anymore?

捆在她腹部的带子太紧了,以致于她吼叫得像只带头羊。The belt on her belly was so tight that she bellowed like a bellwether.

格拉汉姆称,该调查结果一直是反映公司业绩的上佳领先指标。Graham says the survey has historically been a good bellwether of company performance.

尽管作为主办城市的底特律茶几上摆满了杯具,但它的年度车展在美国汽车业中仍然堪称翘楚。FOR ALL the woes of the city that hosts it, Detroit's annual motor show is still a bellwether for America's car industry.

尽管举办它是城市的悲哀,但底特律一年一度的汽车展仍是美国汽车工业的领头羊。FOR ALL the woes of the city that hosts it, Detroit’s annual motor show is still a bellwether for America’s car industry.

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联邦快递被视为研判美国经济形势的风向标.国内包裹递送量仅小幅增加,暗示复苏步伐缓慢.FedEx is considered a bellwether of U.S. economic activity and the small gain in domestic volume suggested a slow recovery.

国内市场既有超级富有的精英,也有庞大的底层民众,是全球趋势的有用晴雨表。The domestic market, with both a super-rich elite and a big bottom of the pyramid, is a useful bellwether of global trends.

不过,作为十年来国内的领头羊,佛罗里达州还是能够作为度量HSR项目政治生存能力的标杆。But Florida, like the national bellwether it's become this decade, could also serve as a gauge for HSR's political viability.

但是,自1960年以来,任何一个赢得大选的总统候选人,都得到了俄亥俄州的支持,所以它被认为是主导这个国家走向的领头羊。But the state has backed the winning presidential candidate in every election since 1960 and is viewed as a crucial bellwether to the nation's direction.

美国股市周一收盘走高,超过月初点位,主要受分析师上调龙头股公司评级以及矿业和医疗类股的交易消息推动。Stocks climbed back into positive territory for December, helped by analyst upgrades of bellwether companies and deal news in the mining and health-care sectors.

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亚马逊是个代表美国科技产品消费趋势的极好的风向标,因为它几乎销售全美任何商铺所经营的全部电子产品。Amazon is a pretty good bellwether of consumer technology trends in the US because Amazon carries just about every electronic product available to American shoppers.

在富士通杯八强战中,中国围棋的领军人物古力不负众望,中盘拿下韩国棋手李世石。In the last-eight game of the Fujitsu Cup, Gu Li, the bellwether of Chinese Weiqi players, didn't let his fans down, and prevailed Korean player Lee SeDol in the middle game.

此外,对于那些担忧非洲大陆资源争夺战可能重新导致冷战时期灾难性的边缘政策的人而言,中国此举将尼日尔推到了领头羊的位置。It has also turned Niger into a bellwether for those who fear that the struggle to secure the continent's resources risks re-creating the ruinous brinkmanship of the cold war.

安德鲁J。罗瑟勒姆,谁写的博客Eduwonk,是一个共同创始人和合伙人贝韦瑟教育的学生,一个非营利性的工作与收入提高教育成果为低。Andrew J. Rotherham, who writes the blog Eduwonk, is a co-founder and partner at Bellwether Education, a nonprofit working to improve educational outcomes for low-income students.

该公司公布其第四季业绩与分析师下调后的预估一致.上周该公司第二次对12月当季营收发布预警.The technology bellwether reported fourth-quarter results that were in line with lowered analyst estimates following a revenue warning last week, its second for the December quarter.

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酒店提供一个领头羊,贝灵汉餐厅,餐厅和酒廊的海港。餐厅提供的午餐和晚餐菜单,包括新鲜的海鲜,本地种植的蔬菜,和更多。Hotel Bellwether offers one Bellingham restaurant, Harborside Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge. The restaurant serves lunch and dinner menus featuring fresh seafood, locally-grown vegetables, and more.