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他听不进你的忠言。He is deaf to your earnest advice.

戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。I do not banter you, I am in earnest.

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还能整点正经事不?Also the whole point of earnest do not?

但是“纯粹教旨徒”对教旨有着死的真诚。But the "puritans" were in dead earnest.

她用认珊的态度加做旱允交杳情。She do every work by her Earnest manner.

我该把真挚的思念寄给谁?To whom shall I send my earnest longing?

我们会牢记您的谆谆话语。We will keep in mind your earnest words.

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力争做到诚挚,并且事前练习。Aim for earnest and prepare by practicing.

以认真为目标,通过练习来准备。Aim for earnest and prepare by practicing.

他对他的祖国充满了真挚的爱。He expessed earnest love to his motherland.

有些恳切的祈祷,有否回音?Is there some earnest prayer unanswered yet

只要你依然真挚地对待你的布鲁特。When you are over earnest with your Brutus.

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汤姆,你是开玩笑,还是说真格的?Tom—honest injun, now—is it fun, or earnest?

在认真这一点上,藤村和野田很像。In earnest this point, Fujimura and Noda like.

“我会保护你。”死神认真地说。"I will protect you. "The Azrael in earnest says.

你就不能通知他说这是非常严重的吗?Cannot you inform him that it is frightful earnest?

一九八三年十一月,我开始热心地以中文下笔。I began Chinese writing in earnest in November 1983.

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约翰,它可不像夏天里那些辛勤而雄赳赳的蜜蜂。Not such as summer brings, John, earnest manly bees.

官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。The officials were holding loose and not in earnest.

两国正享受这热切的和解。The two countries are enjoying earnest reconciliation.