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正如我说过的,这是一个带两个路肩的弯道。As I said, it's one corner with two kerbs.

你对搬走路肩的计划知道些什么?你认为这对周日意味着什么?What did you know about the plans to remove the kerbs and what do you think it will mean for Sunday?

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正如阿隆索说到的,“由于发夹弯、路肩以及赛车撞上它们,比赛对车手来说很有难度。As Alonso says, "It is very difficult for the drivers, with the chicanes and the kerbs , and the car bumping over them."

长直道对引擎的要求,颠簸的路肩也会对赛车造成很大影响。The long straights are hard for the engines and the bouncing over the kerbs does not give the easiest time for the cars.

在田径运动场的施工中,要求跑道内突沿的周长达到最佳精确度。The construction of a track and field sports ground requires the most accuracy of the circumferential instalment of track kerbs.

R26赛车在驾驶和辗过路肩时的表现一定不会和今年我们已经习惯的一样好。The ride and the behaviour over kerbs of the R26 at the last race was certainly not as good as we have been accustomed to this year.

如果赛车可以顺利地驶过发夹弯的路肩,赛道也会对赛车有所奖励。超车在这里和摩纳哥几乎是一样的困难。It is also a circuit which rewards cars which ride the chicane kerbs well, and overtaking there is almost as difficult as it is at Monaco.

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除了对引擎和刹车有严峻考验之外,伊莫拉也对底盘有着很高的要求。跑出快速单圈的秘诀在于要让赛车骑上高高的路肩。Besides being hard on engines and brakes, Imola is also hard on chassis as the secret to a fast lap time is to hammer the car over the high kerbs.

虽然我刚刚抵达,但我注意到了一些大的路肩被运走了。一些车队似乎并不希望这样。I've only just arrived, but I've noticed a few of the big kerbs have been taken away and it seems a few of the teams didn't expect that to happen.

方法将离体大鼠胸主动脉环固定于营养液浴槽中,给药后记录血管环张力变化。Methods Isolated rat aortic mucle rings were used to perfuse in chambers containing chemicals tested in Kerbs buffer and the ring tensions were recorded.

所有漏洞,该基地的底盘已沉入柜,以保障螺丝损坏时,尽量多利用路肩或当汽车从谷底超过颠簸。All holes in the base of the chassis have been counter sunk to protect the screws from damage when going over kerbs or when the car bottoms out over bumps.

而且有挑战性的不仅仅是高速,还有轮胎,因为如果想要以激进的跑法获得一个快速单圈,就会受到路阶频繁的冲击。And it's not only the high speeds that challenge the tyres at Monza either, as the kerbs are frequently attacked in an aggressive manner to get a fast lap time.

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许可证持有人须按图3所示细节在氯化铁储存库附近建造壆墙、路边石及排水渠。The Permit Holder shall construct the bund walls, kerbs and drainage channels near the ferric chloride tank farm in accordance with the details shown in Figure 3.

该系统可提高汽车达55毫米,帮助避免前端擦伤路肩和车道,但仍然允许汽车坐尽可能低的水平时,在赛道上。The system can raise the car by up to 55mm, helping to avoid front-side scrapes on kerbs and driveways but still allowing the car to sit as low as possible when it's on the track.

赛事总监查理怀警告车队的车手在周六上午约削减摩纳哥路肩,并安装观察员关键部分,包括新和游泳池急弯。Race director Charlie Whiting warned F1's drivers on Saturday morning about cutting the Monaco kerbs , and installed observers at key sections including the Nouvelle and Swimming Pool chicanes.