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这样一个小财主也敢跟我逗嘴皮子。An upstart like that dares to bandy words with me!

坦桑尼亚政府还不习惯成为暴发户。Tanzania’s government is not accustomed to upstart s.

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麦克弗森总的态度表明,他认为我是一个暴发户。McPherson's general attitude suggested that he regarded me as an upstart.

世界上最大的汽车公司已经注意到了丰田的发迹,并感到不安。The biggest car company in the world had taken notice of the pesky, Japanese upstart.

当然了,魔法师巨人是肯定不会害怕再多四个小矮人的。埃迪在哪儿?Surely the giant Sorcerer isn't afraid of four more upstart pipsqueaks. Where is Eddie?

起初二者的合作关系被认为是对阿里巴巴的提升,当时阿里巴巴是一家快速成长的新贵企业。Initially, the partnership was seen as a boost for Alibaba, then a fast-growing upstart.

也许是赚着昧心钱的暴发户,我很庆幸自己不属于这个消费群。Perhaps make money with Mei Xin upstart , I am glad he did not belong to this consumer group.

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随着现代技术的发展,哲学中的机械论再度变得炙手可热。And, again as a result of the development of modern technology, mechanism in philosophy became an upstart.

现在,无论是资金有限的新启动的竞选班子还是个人,都可以用这些工具在网上形成基层势力基础。Now individuals, as well as upstart campaigns with limited finances, can use these tools to forge a netroots base.

当然,他不会像暴发户似的穿金戴银到处炫燿。他知道金在那儿,可是他让金仍然埋藏在深山之中。Of course, he will not show off his richness like the upstart who wearing the gold and silver accessories going around.

与首都北京不同,在中国,上海被视为一个暴发户城市,尤其是一个半世纪前,它仅仅是一个海边的小渔村。An upstart by Chinese standards, Shanghai—unlike imperial Beijing—was just a modest fishing town a century and a half ago.

意大利导演吉塞贝·托纳多雷用光与影对人性作了与众不同的诠释。Italy's upstart Jisaibei. Tuona more minefields with Lights and Shadows of human nature and had different interpretations.

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诺龙声称,他们公司其实是受到两家意外暴发的生产商的启发,他们因其产品功能过硬而大获成功。Nuo said the company was inspired by two upstart Chinese phone makers generating buzz for their surprisingly capable devices.

自2000冬成立就一鸣惊人的捷蓝航空公司,行动当然是够多。Action is something that there is certainly plenty of at JetBlue, the high-flying upstart that launched in the winter of 2000.

日本民主党和自民党的主要区别可能在于,突然崛起的日本民主党愿意挑战传统的社会习俗。The main difference between the DPJ and LDP may lie in the upstart party's willingness to challenge traditional social customs.

无论是观看“央视春晚”还是观看其竞争对手的节目,中国人无疑都会尽情地享受一个快乐的除夕。Whether they watch the CCTV gala or its upstart rivals, Chinese people will surely enjoy themselves on the Lunar New Year's Eve.

中国这位太空领域暴发户本周将会采取进一步措施——发射天宫1号。The upstart Chinese space program could take a step closer this week by launching the Tiangong 1, or "Heavenly Palace," into orbit.

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Btfs已经取消作为默认文件系统,留下了Ext4,Upstart出现了一些微调,i686则损耗最低的CPU。Btfs has been scrapped leaving Ext4 as the default filesystem, Upstart has seen some tweaks, and i686 is the lowest CPU denominator.

在1830年七月的法国革命中,以及在英国的改革振荡中,这些贵族再一次屈服于可恨的暴发户。In the French revolution of July 1830, and in the English reformagitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart.

在法国的1830年七月革命和英国的改革运动中,他们再一次被可恨的暴发户打败了。In the French revolution of July 1830, and in the English reform agitation, these aristocracies again succumbed to the hateful upstart.