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我想不太可能。Pretty unlikely, methinks.

我认为你来得太迟了!Methinks thou art too late!

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我想有一个凡人到来了!Methinks a mortal doth approach!

咱想,奶奶,您这可太没有理由。BOTTOM Methinks , mistress, you should have little reason for that.

嗯,类人猿进化成和人类一样?我想不太可能。Hmm. Apes that evolve into something humanlike? Pretty unlikely, methinks.

我的腿开始移动,我的思想开始漫游。Methinks that the moment my legs began to move, my thoughts began to flow.

当我的双腿开始移动的时候,我的思维开始涌流。Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.

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在我看来你现在情绪这么低落,就像坟墓底下的一具死尸。Methinks I see thee,now thou art so low,as one dead in the bottom of a tomb.

我觉得好像这些事情我们都用昏花的眼睛看着,一切都化作了层叠的两重似的。HERMIA Methinks I see these things with parted eye, When every thing seems double.

我还记得那最后一眼,就在铁皮盖关上的一瞬间。Methinks I can remember my last glance at it, just as the iron-plated lid fell down.

我想这两节圣经,真值得用金钢钻记录在磐石上,永远保存起来。Methinks these words are worthy of being written as with a diamond on a rock forever.

我渴望死去,以致能得到最终之洁净,引导我进入天国。Methinks I long to die to receive that last and final purification which shall usher me into heaven.

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要是我们把他留在森林里,又无马可骑,那将是对神圣教会不礼貌的冷漠表现。Methinks it were but poor courtesy, and cold regard to Holy Church to leave him afoot here in the forest.

我仿佛听到它们在彼得博罗山中吠叫,或者在青山的西边山坡上啉啉地走着。Methinks I hear them barking behind the Peterboro' Hills, or panting up the western slope of the Green Mountains.

在我看来,一个母亲的幽灵——一个母亲的最淡漠的幻影——也会对她儿子投以怜悯的目光吧!Ghost of a mother- thinnest fantasy of a mother- methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son!

我想,当阳光穿过五彩绘就的窗户、在地板上反射出金黄和绯红的形象时,我看到过这样子的人物。Methinks I have seen just such figures, when the sun has been shining through a richly painted window, and tracing out the golden and crimson images across the floor.