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佛祖释迦牟尼的情况亦如是。The same would be true of Gautama Buddha.

一个接着一个,释迦牟尼以他的智慧和美德征服了他们。One by one, Gautama met the armies and defeated them with his virtue.

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乔达摩-悉达多是来自印度的伟大精神领袖,他成立了佛教。Siddhartha Gautama was a great spiritual leader from ancient India who founded Buddhism.

从而金刚乘是尝试去再体验乔达摩佛的启迪体验。Vajrayana thus attempts to recapture the enlightenment experience of the gautama buddha.

传统而言,它是冥想“塔波Bhumi”的土地,也是释迦摩尼佛的出生之地。Traditionally, it is the land of Meditation "Tapo Bhumi" and Birth Place of Gautama Buddha.

琉璃为诛瞿昙族姓。善星妄说一切法空。Crystal exterminated the Gautama clan and Good Stars lied and said that all dharmas are empty.

它是由阿萨帕达乔达摩在一个不确定的日子写成,大约可能是在公元前二世纪。It was written by Aksapada Gautama at an indeterminate date, but probably in the second century BCE.

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乔达摩-悉达多,也就是佛陀,劝诫他的信徒们脱离尘世生活。Gautama Siddartha, who became the Buddha, urged his followers to isolate themselves from worldly life.

在这一片平安无事的,阳光和煦的土地上,早在乔。Many men before Gautama in that land of uneventful sunshine had found life distressing and mysterious.

释迦牟尼死后,他的追随者被印度教士赶出了印度北部。After Gautama died, his followers were driven out of Northern India by the priests of the Hindu religion.

是仿照印度比哈尔邦菩提伽耶摩诃菩提寺的乔达摩·悉达多佛陀而塑。The statue is modelled on the Siddhartha Gautama Buddha inside the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya in the Indian state of Bihar.

在梵语传奇普曜经中,叙述了释迦牟尼佛曾被要求给从零到‘1’后面跟有四百二十一个‘0’这最大数字之间所有的数字起名。The Sanskrit saga Lalitavistara gives an account of Gautama Buddha, who is asked at one point to name all of the numbers up to those with 421 zeros.

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尽管乔达摩的父亲保证给他一切所想和所需,乔达摩还是持续感到不安,内心感到不满意。Although his father ensured that Gautama was provided with everything he could want or need, Gautama was constantly troubled and internally dissatisfied.

他告诉他的追随者,他曾为大神因陀罗三十六次,为世上之王数百次。Before he was incarnated as Gautama Siddartha, the Buddha resided in heaven, and told his followers that he had been Indra thirty-six times, and many hundred times ruler of the world.