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你玩过摇摆争论吗?Have you ever played Wobble Squabble?

我写字时你不要摇动桌子。Don’t wobble the desk when I’m writing.

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超过一跳起摆动是不言而喻的。More than a twirling wobble is implied.

抖动以图中的半圆来显示。The wobble is shown in the half-circles.

齐塔人说,毫无疑问,地毬晃动应该为此承担责任。Per the Zetas, the wobble is to blame, no question.

那时候中国的火箭和蛋蛋发射都颤颤巍巍的大多数还爆了。Missle to not wobble upon launch and most of them blew.

腰粗的女性终于能听到点儿好消息了。At last, some good news for women whose waistlines wobble.

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地球的抖动对北美大陆有几个方面的影响。The Earth wobble does several things to the N American continent.

地球抖动包含了北极呈8字形倾斜运动。The Earth wobble includes a lean as it forms a Figure 8 with its N Pole.

如果一颗恒星有一颗伴星,那么当它横越天空运动时,它似乎是摇来摆去。If a star has a companion, it will seem to wobble as it moves across the sky.

无论什么方向,都能看到它们在丛林的地面上摇摇摆摆地爬行。In either direction they wobble over the jungle floor as far as the eye can see.

额外的摆动和放大的聚焦会使取景器非常欢迎。The extra wobble and zoomed-in focusing would make a viewfinder very welcome here.

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她爬起来,摇晃着向前走几步、一屁股跌倒在地上、又爬起来。She would pull herself up, wobble along a few steps and then plop down on her bottom.

变化之一将是下一个18年中对地球摆动的逐步修正。One shift shall be the gradual straightening of Earth's wobble over the next 18-year period.

据凯瑞吉说,与此相反,海地地震并没有导致地轴发生类似的变化。The Haiti quake, by contrast, didn't make the Earth wobble in quite the same way, according to Dr.

乌贼肚内放入调好的料,用鱼馅封口,上笼蒸熟后摆盘。Tune into the squid deemed as a good material, filling with fish, seals, cage steam cooked Wobble.

那时候中国的火箭和蛋蛋发射都颤颤巍巍的大多数还爆了。China at that time could not get a rocket or missle to not wobble upon launch and most of them blew.

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地球的摆动就象一个离心分离机,使水域以不均匀的方式分布在全球。Earth's wobble causes water to be retained in an uneven manner around the globe much like a centrifuge.

在2008年12月28日发布的第112期新闻简报里有一幅显示了冰雪覆盖变化的地图就表示出了地球的摆动。In Issue 112 of this newsletter, on December 28, 2008, a map showing snow-cover changes showed the wobble.

但是地球的摆动一直在进行,就像传说中描绘的那样,犹如不倒翁的顶部,从一边到另一边在来回摆动着。But the wobble is constantly on the move, as legend has described it, like a top wobbling from side to side.