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他扣下那封信纯粹是出于报复心理。He withheld the letter out of sheer _.

她拒绝把爱给他们中的任何人。She withheld her love for any of them.

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听到那个消息他强忍住泪水。He withheld from tears when he heard that.

在测试子集中,我们保留了打分。For the test subset, we withheld the scores.

不应无道理地拒绝给予批准。Approvals should not unreasonable be withheld.

警察把张牧师的钱给扣下了。The money of Bike Zhang was withheld by police.

他扣下那封信纯粹是出于报复心理。He withheld the letter out of sheer vindictiveness.

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罪犯对警察隐瞒了真相。The offender withheld the truth from the policemen.

该同意不应被无故扣压。The said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

凯西在很长一段时间里对这种观点不作评判。Cayce withheld judgment on the point for a long time.

我们员工的税收都是由单位代扣代缴的。Our staff's tax revenues are all withheld by the unit.

她拒绝把爱给他们中的任何人。She withheld her love for any of them. One by one, the.

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转载时请保留此版权信息。This copyright information is withheld please when reprinting.

老板一直扣着工资直到他们把工作干完才发。The boss withheld the payment until they had completed the work.

重要的是,这个手势提醒了你事有隐情。The point is that it alerts you to something that is being withheld.

扣缴义务人应扣未扣、应收未收税款的,由扣缴义务人缴纳应扣未扣、应收未收税款。Such tax shall be withheld by the paying unit in each of its payments.

“那你在这里滞留了多少年?”他开口询问。"That how numerous years were you withheld here?"His openings inquires.

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死者的名单在其亲属得到通知以前将不会公布。The names of those killed are being withheld until relatives are informed.

维基泄密为了保护情报人员,并未发布15000多份情报报告。WikiLeaks withheld some 15, 000 intelligence reports to protect informants.

最终的验尸报告已被洛杉机警方要求扣留了。The final coroner's report was withheld by request of the Los Angeles police.