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真相就是,你无法控制你潜意识里的茉儿。The truth that Mal is bursting through your subconscious.

在玛拉基书3,1-4中,耶稣的行为想要传达什麽。In the context of Mal 3.1-4, what does Jesus' action convey.

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在接下来的15年中,安德烈控制了马累以及该国的大部分地区。Andre ruled Mal?and much of the country for the next 15 years.

巴拉克有没有打算跟随队伍去在科隆的比赛?Plant Michael Ballack eigentlich, das Team in Köln mal zu besuchen?

有些患失神发作的儿童也同时患有癫痫大发作。Some children who have absence seizures also have grand mal seizures.

有些精神运动性发作,也可出现类似大发作的前驱症状。Some psychomotor seizures, grand mal can be the precursor of similar symptoms.

古清真寺是马累最古老的清真寺,以其精细复杂的石刻而闻名。Hukuru Miskiiy is the oldest mosque in Mal? famed for its intricate stone carvings.

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子痫是指先兆子痫的妇女发生的癫痫大发作。E. Eclampsia refers to the development of grand mal seizures in a woman with preeclampsia.

失神发作——也称小发作——是一种短暂的、突然的意识丧失。Absence seizure — also known as petit mal — involves a brief, sudden lapse of consciousness.

MAL基因表达下调是食管癌发生、发展过程中的一个频发事件。Down-regulation of MAL gene expression is of frequent occurrence in human esophageal cancer.

当出现前驱症状时,预示着病人可能在数小时或数日内出现大发作。When prodromal symptoms, indicating that the patient may appear within hours or days as grand mal.

很容易滑向极端的非道德领域,从而孕育出唯美主义的恶之花。Very easy to slide into extreme non-moral areas, which gave birth to aestheticism Les Fleurs du Mal.

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方法68例元神经系统定位体征的癫癎大发作患者作EEG及脑CT检查。Methods 68 patients with grand mal epilepsy without nervous systemic signs were examined by EEC and CT.

结论环锯减压后如不植骨有可能不融合或畸形愈合。Bone graft and fusion is essential for prevent the possible non union or mal union of decompressed segement.

采用RT-PCR和半定量RT-PCR方法检测45例食管癌组织和癌旁食管黏膜组织中MAL基因的表达。Methods The MAL gene expression in 45 cancer patients was detected with RT-PCR and semi-quantitative RT-PCR technique.

伊斯兰中心是马累最鲜活的建筑地标,蔚为壮观的金色圆顶在天际线中格外醒目。The Islamic Centre is the most vivid architectural landmark of Mal? the spectacular golden dome dominating the skyline.

卫生部食物安全及品质管制的公文此产品归类为食品而不需MAL编号。Letter from Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia. Categorized asfood and no MAL number is required.

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一位73岁右利手男性因癫痫大发作及进行性语言障碍而就诊。A 73 year old right-handed man sought medical attention because of a grand mal seizure and progressive difficulty with speech.

截骨术的方法取决于畸形愈合的部位、肌腱平衡、以及任何软组织或关节的挛缩。The type of osteotomy is based on the location of the mal union, tendon balance, and any soft-tissue or articular contracture.

本文阐述了内蒙古中部区铜、铅、锌等多金属硫化物矿床综合模型的建立过程。This paper presents the established integrated model for Cu, Pb, Zn polymetal mal deposits in the middle of Inner Mongolia ie.