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这就依次让肖像绘画有了不一样的需求。This, in turn, made different iconographic demands on painting.

相信形像失败意味着很多是另一件。It is another to believe the iconographic misfire means very much.

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BA在新闻业和两位设计大师共同办了一本图像材料的杂志。BA in Journalism and two Másters of design. Co-founder of Iconographic Magazine.

肖似化代码、修辞性代码、风格化代码共同构成了张艺谋电影的红色代码能指。The iconographic codes, rhetoric codes and style codes form the red code signifier.

她独一无二的艺术,用肖像法的元素发明了高度凝炼的叙事。Her unique art of storytelling employs iconographic elements to create a concentrated narration.

此外,感叹号也经常被用作表达重要性的图形化符号。In addition, an exclamation point is often used as an iconographic symbol to express importance.

依据影像学测量的结果,对新型脊柱复位内固定器进行图纸设计及形状设计。On base of iconographic measurement and literature, the draw and the shape of GDP were designed.

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通过个人的对于神话和理想图形化的表现手段进行交流。Communicating by means of a personal iconographic system steeped in mythology and classical ideals.

第参章探讨刘克襄的动物小说及自然文学绘本。The third chapter is discussion Ko-hsiang Liu 's animal fiction and iconographic of natural literature.

虽然很有趣,但陈农的照片不仅仅是图像玩笑,或历史的双语。But though his work is playful, Chen Nong's photographs are not merely iconographic jokes, or historical puns.

刘博智以客观、冷静、符号性的图像记录了金山梦的痕迹。Lau documents objectively and soberly the trace of the dream of "Golden Mountain" with iconographic photography.

嘉宝的脸蛋被视为一种转换,它令人忆念起两个肖像的时代,它确认了从敬畏到魅力的过程。Viewed as a transition the face of Garbo reconciles two iconographic ages, it assures the passage from awe to charm.

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作为交叉学科的图像学,强调对分析对象所呈现的图像世界的隐含内容和象征意义的研究。Iconology, as a cross-discipline, stresses the study of the implied and symbolic meaning of the iconographic world of the objects.

同时该设计的每个小房子通过雕塑化的屋顶结构彼此相连,极具图案标识性。At the same time the design becomes an iconographic building, as the small individual houses are interconnected by a sculptural roof structure.

治疗组在恢复肝功能,改善血脂和影像学方面均有较好疗效,未发生严重不良反应。Satisfactory effect was obtained in recovery of liver function, improvement of blood lipids, and iconographic parameters, no severe adverse reaction occurred.

不过,傅柯在本章中并没有就这个疯狂的「再现形式」与疯狂的感知之间的关系。It has doubtless been essential to Western culture to link, as it has done, its perception of madness to the iconographic forms of the relation of man to beast.

传统民居的装饰在历史中形成了特定的图像意义,这些复杂的意义所依附的题材,需要图像学的阐释与追寻。The decoration in traditional residences has formed its special iconographic meanings, and the themes adhered to it need the interpretation and tracing of iconography.

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舒隆解释说,尽管他只是一名官员,但是为他雕像的艺术家,在肖像方面模糊了皇室和非皇室的区别。Even though he was only an official, explains Schloen, for some reason, the artist who carved his image made no iconographic distinction between royalty and non-royalty.

治疗组在恢复肝功能,改善血脂、血液黏度和影像学方面均取得满意效果,未发生严重不良反应。Satisfactory effect was obtained in recovery of liver function, improvement of blood lipids, blood viscosity and iconographic parameters, no severe adverse reaction occurred.

室外屋顶檐篷起伏的天花板由动态LED照明表面覆盖,给予釜山电影中心的象征性和代表性的影像学特征。The dynamic LED lighting surface covering the undulating ceilings of the outdoor roof canopies gives the Busan Cinema Center its symbolic and representative iconographic feature.