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比阿特丽斯赢了这次选举Beatrice won this election.

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所以比阿特丽斯将获胜so Beatrice is going to win.

如果比阿特丽斯参选,她会失败If Beatrice enters she loses.

两人有一个女儿比阿特丽斯。They have a daughter, Beatrice.

比阿特丽斯将在这选举中获胜Beatrice is going to win this election.

瓦娜把连衣裙卖给我和比阿特丽斯。Vanna sells dresses to Beatrice and me.

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我们发现,比阿特丽斯站起来一会So we figured out that, Beatrice stand up a second.

我很抱歉,是比阿特丽斯赢了这次选举,我很抱歉I apologize Beatrice won this election, I apologize.

他比那愚笨的比特里斯受过好的多的教育。She was much better educated than fool of a Beatrice.

比阿特丽斯将获得所有的右派选票Beatrice is going to get all of these right wing votes.

贝雅特丽丝哭道,用她那又大又明亮的眼睛看着他。Beatrice cried, looking at him with her large bright eyes.

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碧亚翠丝是我的母亲,一个身材娇小的妇人,长着一对。Beatrice was my mother, a small woman with intense blue eyes.

14个月后的比阿特丽斯已明显具有经验。Fourteen months on Beatrice has clearly acted on the experience.

比阿特丽斯在选举中获胜获胜,这是一个纳什均衡吗So Beatrice won this election, is this array a Nash Equilibrium?

它似乎是由Beatrice吸引她的头,又兜一次。It seemed to be attracted by Beatrice and flew once around her head.

这座花园别墅,是富豪男爵夫人贝阿提丝于1907-1912年建造的。This villa has been built by Béatrice de Rothschild from 1907 to 1912.

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如果比说嚼玻璃片是个好主意的话,弗也会这么做的。Frances would chew glass if Beatrice said she thought it was a good idea.

我们来看看发生了什么,比阿特丽斯和你的名字是,克莱尔·伊莉斯Let's see what happened, so we have Beatrice and your name is Claire Elise.

乔凡尼想相信比特瑞丝是一个可爱而天真的女孩。The young man wanted to believe that Beatrice was a sweet and innocent girl.