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成为特技队的一员是非常危险的。Being part of aerobatic team is dangerous.

花样飞行在机场上空,高度2000米。Aerobatic flights over airfield up to 2000m.

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去年,我在一门航空特技等级课程的中期流产了。Last year, I miscarried in the middle of a step aerobatic class.

我梦想有一天我会有一架特技飞机,特别是双层翼飞机。I knew someday I would own an aerobatic plane, especially a BIPLANE.

以下是特级飞行动作列表和代表他们的符号。Below is a list of aerobatic figures and the symbols used to represent them.

这个机动动作看上去有点像小型特技飞机表演的“锤头”。This maneuver looks like the hammerhead performed by the small aerobatic planes.

所有的特技飞行动作无论是正飞还是倒飞都由水平方向开始和结束。All aerobatic figures start and end from horizontal lines in either upright or inverted flight.

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空军雷虎特技小组军机飞越台北忠烈祠上空,表达向革命先烈的敬意与追思。Thunder Tiger Aerobatic Team fly over to honor National Martyrs in the 100th anniversary of ROC.

任何飞行员不得在未经认证的飞机上尝试飞这些特技动作。No pilot should attempt to fly any of these figures in aircraft not certified for aerobatic flight.

任何飞行员不得在接受适任持证特技飞行教官的培训之前,尝试飞这些动作。Further, no pilot should attempt these figures without training from a competent aerobatic instructor.

生产的AX三栖飞船、AX飞翼等系列产品品质优异,飞行操控灵活、可靠。AX-flying wing and AX-three stay airship which with excellent quality and are used for aerobatic performance.

土耳其空军的“土耳其之星”和沙特阿拉伯空军的“沙特之鹰”特技飞行队也前来凑趣。Turkish Air Force's "Turkish Stars" and the Air Force in Saudi Arabia "Saudi Eagle" aerobatic team also came Couqu.

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一架三角形状的不明物体,以100时英里的速度在州际公路的上方高难度飞行。The craft was triangular in shape, and was flying an aerobatic pattern over the interstate at approximately 100 mph.

对88架次905个特技动作的加速度参数及心率进行了统计分析。The paper analyses statistically the parameters of acceleration and heart rates in 905 aerobatic maneuvers of 88 sorties.

随后小王子被爸爸和红箭飞行表演队的工作人员抱进了一架红色的飞机里。The little Prince was lifted into one of the Red Arrows as his father and a member of the aerobatic team helped him inside.

“银鹰”是南非空军的特技飞行表演队,在全国巡回演出中展示其精确的队形和特技表演。The Silver Falcons are the SAAF's aerobatic team that perform precision formation and aerobatics displays at airshows around the country.

1974年6月5日在Duindigt举行的空军节上,蚱蜢荷兰皇家空军直升飞机表演队首次官方公开表演亮相。The first official demonstration of the Grasshoppers aerobatic team was performed on June 5, 1974 during Air Force Day, held on Duindigt.

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他没有几个席卷低水平库通行证以及他例行商标特技完成烟雾滤毒罐的翼梢。He did several sweeping low-level banked passes as well as his trademark aerobatic routine complete with smoke from the wingtip canisters.

坠机时纽曼先生代表雨燕空中特技表演队在西萨赛克斯郡的肖勒姆皇家空军基地表演。Mr Newman crashed while performing for the Swift Aerobatic Display Team at the Royal Air Forces Association airshow at Shoreham, West Sussex

在他的一生当中,希林先生飞行了30,000多个小时,他还是一个活跃的特技飞行员。Over his lifetime, Mr. Shilling has accumulated more than 30,000 hours of flight time, and still actively pilots his own aerobatic sport plane.