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当你有炮灰支援的时候才使用高斯炮。Use only with own cannon fodder.

优质饲料使犍牛长肉。Good fodder fleshed the steers up.

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塔利班真的不需要炮灰。They don't really need cannon fodder.

玉米的茎秆和叶子都是粗饲料。The stalks and leaves of corn are fodder.

那些猪饲料充足,吃得膘肥体壮。The pigs battened on the plentiful fodder.

以下我们再就这些军犬做进一步介绍。Here's some more war-dog fodder to chew on.

牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder.

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超级奸角们都很喜欢他们的炮灰…A. Supervillains do love their cannon fodder.

军队就是要你来当炮灰嘛。All the army wanted you for was cannon fodder.

动物饲料供应也严重匮乏。The animal fodder supply is also severely depleted.

春耕之前我还得买些草料。Before spring plowing I need to buy some more fodder.

茎叶可以用来喂牲畜。The stems, the leaves, you make fodder for livestock.

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我们割地里的牧草给牛提供饲料。We mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.

但是他对伊拉克战争的支持将成为话柄。But his support for the Iraq war will be fodder for attacks.

我把借款投资到了养牛业上,购买了饲料。I invested the borrowed money in raising cows, buying fodder.

他们把地里的草割下来以便给牛提供饲料。They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.

而且,我给晚间电视节目主持人提供了几年也不会过时的笑料。And I had given late-night TV hosts fodder for years of jokes.

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粮谷类草料、粗草料和秸杆,第16组,玉米除外。Grain, cereal, forage, fodder and straw group 16, except corn.

这听起来像是真人情景剧中的桥段,但实际上确实存在。This might sound like fodder for a reality series. Indeed, it is.

战争贩子们视士兵为炮灰。In the eyes of warmongers, soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder.