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乡村非农化即乡村地域非农产业与活动逐步发展壮大之过程。The rural nonagriculturalizition is the proceed of nonagricultural sectors and its development and strength.

大城市是指市区和近郊区非农业人口五十万以上的城市。A "large city" means one which has a nonagricultural population of 500,000 or more in its urban and inner suburban districts.

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小城市是指市区和近郊区非农业人口不满二十万的城市。A "small city" means one which has a nonagricultural population of less than 200,000 in its urban and inner suburban districts.

她指出,针对当地居民的说服工作已经取得喜人的进展,大部分未从事农业活动的居民表示愿意放弃土地。There has been "good" progress in persuading locals, mostly people engaged in nonagricultural activities, to give up land, she says.

人们对智力差距和弗林效应提出了许多成因,包括教育、收入,甚至还包括非农业劳动。Many causes have been proposed for both the intelligence gap and the Flynn effect, including education, income, and even nonagricultural labor.

印度的非农产品和服务交易,资金的流动以及外商直接投资几乎和在中国一样自由。Trade in nonagricultural goods and services and the flow of portfolio and direct foreign investment are now almost as free in India as in China.

执行新的耕地占用税暂行条例及其实施细则。The new provisional regulations for tax on farmland used for nonagricultural purposes and detailed rules for their implementation were instituted.

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农民外出务工和从事非农业生产与税费减免幅度之间的不同关系是由两者具有不同的投资门槛和投资回报率决定的。The different fixed costs and yields of migration and nonagricultural production determine their different relationships with the extent of tax and fee reduction.

H-2B计划让美国雇主能够招聘外国人到美国从事劳动力存在短缺的临时性非农工作。The H-2B program enables U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to the U.S. to fill temporary nonagricultural positions for which there is a shortage of available workers.

加强农村职业教育和技能培训,提高农民转移就业能力,发展劳务经济。We will step up vocational education and technical training in rural areas to make it easier for rural residents to find nonagricultural employment, and develop the labor economy.

从计量模型分析的结果来看,耕地减少的主要原因在于农村人口的增加、城市化水平的提高,以及非农产业的不断发展。According to the analyses of model, the main reasons for the cultivated land decreasing lie in the increase of population, the development of urbanizing and nonagricultural industry, etc.

城市化是工业化发展的必然要求和必然结果,是人口非农化、经济非农化发展的一个过程,也是土地非农化的过程。Urbanization is the inevitable requirement and result of industrialization development. It is the developing course of nonagricultural population, nonagricultural economy and nonagricultural land.

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农家收入递减的原因主要在于农村以种植业为主,副业和劳务收入微不足道的收入来源结构。The degression of household incomes was caused mostly by the configuration of sources of incomes that was given priority to planting, but incomes from nonagricultural occupantions were inappreciable.

由于农产品价格下跌、农民非农就业机会减少、农村经济结构转换缓慢等原因导致农民收入增长缓慢。The slow increase of peasants' income results from the production of farm products, the reduction of employment for nonagricultural work, and the readjustment of the economic structure in rural areas.