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喇叭线“,”Speaker Wire.

下一位演讲者是我。I'm the next speaker.

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他们向演讲人发出“嘘”叫声。They hooted at the speaker.

独特的镜盒内置喇叭。Unique speaker hide in box.

他是个爱长篇大论的演讲者。He's a long -winded speaker.

讲话人被嘘了下去。The speaker was hissed down.

演讲者被轰下台。The speaker was groaned down.

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你真是个杰出的演讲者。You are such a great speaker.

演说者停下来喘一口气。The speaker paused for breath.

他们用脚大声擦地轰走了演说人They scraped down the speaker.

他是一位非常能取信于人的演讲者。He is a very persuasive speaker.

毫无疑问,菲利普斯是个颇有号召力的演说家。Phillips was a featured speaker.

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平静地坐着,面对报告人。Sit quietly, facing the speaker.

群众对演说者起哄。The crowd hooted at the speaker.

让我向大家介绍今天的演讲者。I give you our speaker for today.

说话者令每个人生厌。The speaker was boring everybody.

鼓掌也许对讲话者有影响。Applause may react on the speaker.

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学习怎样使说话人性格化。Learn how to identify the speaker.

内置扬声器支持免提以及音乐播放Speaker for speakerphone and music

副议长主持了会议。The Deputy Speaker took the chair.