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景教是基督教的一个流派。Jingjiao was a Christian sect.

属于一个宗教的,具有某一宗教特点的。The followers of such a religion or sect.

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标题中国紫堇属鳞茎紫堇组的研究。New taxa of the genus Corydalis sect. Elatae.

中国紫堇属曲花紫堇组的研究。Study of genus Corydalis sect. Rapiferae Fedde.

犬儒是古代希腊哲学学派之一。A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.

天台宗是我国第一个佛教宗派。Tiantai Sect is the first Buddhism Sect in China.

天台宗是中国化的佛教宗派。Tiantai sect is a Buddhism sect of Chinese style.

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阿残余教派坚持弗里吉亚的几个世纪。A residual sect persisted in Phrygia for some centuries.

关于苔草属寸草组的分类学讨论。A taxonomic discussion on genus Carex L. sect. Boernera.

他们认为那个教派犯了洗脑的错误。They thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing.

犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient greek philosophers.

早期基督教最初就是犹太教启示主义派系。Early Christianity starts off as an apocalyptic Jewish sect.

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在认识光环密宗佛法前,我只认为这样就一辈子。I thought that will be my whole life before knowing the sect.

但是耶稣并没有建立一个新教派或新宗教的意图。But Jesus had no intention of founding a new sect or religion.

这是伊斯兰教的一个派别——一个非常宽容的派别。That is a sect of Islam-a very tolerant sect, a sect of Islam.

可以说,他改变了黎巴嫩什叶派,也改变了黎巴嫩。So we can say that he changed shiah sect in lebanon and lebanon.

同时为波叶组大黄资源利用奠定了基础。In the meanwhile, as tell us how to use the sect Rheum resources.

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其教主并不一定由出家人担任,而往往是在家居士行使大权。The head of the sect was often not a monk but a hereditary ruler.

禅宗解脱的实质是生命的自由。The essence of the extrication of Chan sect is the freedom of life.

这是一个问题的控制系统的分析中提到的节。This is a problem of the control system analysis mentioned in Sect.