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徐峥,红杉资本中国基金副总裁。George Xu is a Vice President of Sequoia Capital China.

北美红杉为什么与水杉那样相象。Why is Sequoia seperuirens so similar to Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

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桑德斯是红杉俱乐部财务委员会的举足轻重的主任委员。Saunders was the influential chairman of the Sequoia Clubs Fiance Committee.

由红杉GSR,策源,富达支持的网秦移动也在上市排队中。NetQin Mobile, backed by Sequoia GSR, Ceyuan and Fidelity, is in the lineup too.

在今年二月,红杉中国的创始合伙人张帆,由于“个人原因”离职。In February, one of Sequoia China? s founding partners, Zhang Fan, resigned due to ?

标题红杉起源的研究及染色体资料的意义。Study on the origin of Sequoia sempervirens and the significance of chromosome data in it.

木炭记录的巨杉林火灾历史可以再向前追溯8000多年。The charcoal history of fire in the giant sequoia groves extends back more than 8,000 years.

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全国各地的愤怒的红杉俱乐部成员纷纷拍电报,打电话,写信,要求退出俱乐部。Indignant Sequoia Club members across the nation telegraphed, phoned or mailed their resignations.

在2003年的时候,我们获得了红杉资本的投资,从那时起,开始使用我们服务的人越来越多。In 2003 we got financing from Sequoia Capital, and we started to get more and more people into our service.

史威特南说,似乎巨型水杉木的健康生长需要频繁的低强度火灾。The health of the giant sequoia forests seems to require those frequent, low-intensity fires, Swetnam said.

也被称为隧道树的瓦沃纳树是生长在马里波萨林地里著名的巨杉。The Wawona Tree, also known as the Tunnel Tree, was a famous giant sequoia that stood in the Mariposa Grove.

红杉资本的合伙人的净资产共计损失了几十亿美元!几十亿美元啊!The partners at Sequoia have collectively lost billions of dollars in personal net worth -- billions of dollars!

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沃纳先生及其他的项目繁殖人利用各种方法克隆两种红杉。Werner and other project propagators use various methods to clone two types of redwoods, coastal and giant sequoia.

沃纳先生及其他的项目繁殖人利用各种方法克隆两种红杉。Werner and other project propagators use various methods to clone two types of redwoods, coastal and giant sequoia.

维尔纳和其他繁殖专家利用各种方法已经成功克隆出两种红杉——海岸红杉和巨杉。Mr. Werner and other project propagators use various methods to clone two types of redwoods, coastal and giant sequoia.

维尔纳和其他繁殖专家利用各种方法已经成功克隆出两种红杉——海岸红杉和巨杉。Mr. Werner and other project propagators use various methods to clone two types of redwoods, coastal and giant sequoia.

数以百万计雨落下来的巨杉树的树种并不比大头针头大多少,并环绕着纤柔的翼裙。Yet the seeds that a sequoia tree rains down by the millions are not much bigger than a pinhead surrounded by tiny wings.

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人们普遍认为,红杉俱乐部名誉扫地,威信丧失殆尽,再也抬不起头来了。It was generally conceded that the Sequoia Club, its name disgraced and influence diminished, could never be the same again.

史威特南及其同事对国家公园管理局最近重新向巨型水杉林引入火灾的工作颇多赞誉。He and his colleagues commend the National Park Service for its recent work reintroducing fire into the giant sequoia groves.

至于吸收外部投资,我们近期结束了价值3百万美元的,投资,由Sequoia,Capital牵头。In terms of taking outside investment, we recently closed on a three-million-dollar series of rounds lead by Sequoia Capital.