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三板花边裙。Three-panel lace skirt.

抽绳花边关闭。Drawstring lace closure.

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你的鞋带松了。——汝其鞋带松去。Your shoe lace is loose.

把你的衬衣镶上花边。Hem your shirt with lace.

她给裙子镶上花边。She bordered a skirt with lace.

白天用还是晚上用?。Evening or daytime?-l like lace.

她以花边装饰衣袖。She trimmed the sleeves wth lace.

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她用花边来装点她的裙子。She adorned her dress with a lace.

奶油色的蕾丝床罩盖在床上。A cream lace throw covered the bed.

她给枕头套镶上花边。She edged the pillowcase with lace.

她用花边装饰衣服。She ornamented her dress with lace.

她的礼服上有精美的纱拖裙。Her dress had got a fine lace train.

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在肩上,花边小图袖。Lace insets at shoulders and sleeves.

她在衣服上镶入一块花边。She let a piece of lace into a dress.

她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。She wears a dress with delicate lace.

桌面上,没有了花边台布。From the table-top, the lace coverings.

在它的圆领上点缀著可爱的蕾丝边。It has a round collar with lovely lace.

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揣在花边手套里,朴实可人。In their lace mitts , austere and sweet.

我敢说,赫斯脱太太衣服上的花边--”说到这里又给岔断了。I dare say the lace upon Mrs. Hurst's gown

她穿了一件有着雷丝滚边的白色洋装。She wore a white dress with a lace border.