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这个声音吓倒了她。The sound startled her.

爱德的话让他很震惊。He was startled by Ed's words.

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他的回答令我大吃一惊。His answer startled me greatly.

穿靴猫一时惊吓不已。Puss was startled for a moment.

惊破一番新梦。Awakening a new dream, startled.

鸟发出嘎嘎的惊叫声。The bird gave a startled squawk.

这个事件震惊中外。This event startled all the world.

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显然是那叫声惊醒了他。The cry had evidently startled him.

“但是,这是为什么?”他吃惊地问。"But why--"asked the startled father.

这消息惊动了全城。The whole town was startled by the news.

突然,一声长啸惊醒了沉睡的女神。Suddenly, a whistle startled the goddess.

十双惊愕的眼睛齐刷刷地看着他。Ten pairs of startled eyes looked at him.

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那位产妇发现是位陌生人,惊跳起来。The woman was startled to see a stranger.

中国股市惊天逆转。Chinese Stock market startled day reversal.

托勒和另外一个人发出吃惊的声音。Toler and someone else made startled sounds.

他把我吓一跳,使我难过极了!He has startled and distressed me shockingly!

我是说我被林则徐修渠的壮举给吓了一跳。I mean I was startled by Lin Zexu's exploits.

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沙柳被一声叫喊惊醒了。Willow was startled from her sleep by a shout.

一只惊慌的野兔从狗洞里逃走。A startled hare fled through the kennel's hole.

一只叫声沙哑的,受惊的大乌鸦飞扑到空中。Squawking, a startled raven swooped into the air.