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您是否确定要复原所有未储存的变更?。Do you really want to revert all unsaved changes?

当前球洞有未保存的改变,要保存他们吗?There are unsaved changes to current hole. Save them?

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有些项目未保存,如果退出,您所做的改变将会丢失。There are unsaved projects, your changes will be lost if you quit.

这是这麽鲜明和真实的使我为不得救的人战悚。It had been so vivid and real that I was horrified for the unsaved.

就是不站未得救者经常聚集、从事不正经活动的地方。In the place where the unsaved always gather, usually to do something wrong.

限于吸血鬼装备,每个对方未能成功保护的伤害可以治疗携带者或他所在的单位。Vampire Only, each unsaved wound heals a wound to the wielder or the unit he is in.

神使用耶稣的福音信息感动未得救的人并帮助他们信靠耶稣。God uses the news about Jesus to reach the unsaved and help them depend on Jesus. 4.

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如果程序包含未保存的工作,将会出来一个确认对话框。The application will ask you to confirm closing a window that contains unsaved work.

凡是在这个未得着基督救恩的世界里,以自我中心的心态来生活,就是「爱世界」。It is the self-centred spirit of an unregenerated and unsaved world outside of Christ.

条目对话框中含有未保存的改变,您要使用还是废弃您的改变?The entry dialog contains unsaved changes. Do you want to apply or discard your changes?

有些窗口的文档有未保存的修改。如果您现在退出,这些修改将丢失。There are windows with unsaved modified documents. If you quit now, these modifications will be lost.

基督徒可能要与未信的家人一起生活,但他们的行事为人,却必须坚持信徒的原则,不随波逐流。Christian may have his home alongside an unsaved family, but his life must be different from their lives.

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如果您选择强制退出此应用程序,该程序所打开的全部文档的未保存修改可能丢失。If you choose to force an application to exit, unsaved changes in any open documents in it might get lost.

这是一个良好的投资如果您的数据是至关重要的,因为一断电会造成任何未保存的数据将丢失。It is a good investment if your data are critical, because a power cut will cause any unsaved data to be lost.

或者您根本不想退出,因为您没有意识到存在一个具有未保存更改的打开文档。or you might not want to quit at all, because you hadn't realized that you had an open document with unsaved changes.

我们曾否质疑神为何会答允未得救者的祈求──不单只是求取救恩,更是提出其他的要求?Do you often wonder why God answers the prayers of unsaved persons, not just for salvation but for other requests also?

“另存为”对话框时不再困惑与文件包含一个节省空间的名字以前未保存的文件。The "Save As" dialog is no longer confused when saving previously unsaved documents with document names containing a space.

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使用该方法使目标程序有机会在清除操作中提示用户保存任何没有保存的数据。Using this method gives the target program a chance to prompt the user to save any unsaved data during the cleanup operation.

此文档是最新的。如果有未保存的更改,您必须首先保存文档,然后再更新工作区副本。This document is up to date. If you have unsaved changes, you must save the document before you can update the workspace copy.

但愿你的心与宇宙的大自然一同苏醒过来,并且开启门来接受主。Reader, if you are yet unsaved , may your heart, in accord with the universal awakening of nature, be opened to receive the Lord.