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三观亭?Three Sights Pavilion?

我们进入了展馆。We enter the Pavilion.

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那个碑亭是方形的。That tablet pavilion is square.

舣舟亭、晚步桥等等。Yizhou Pavilion and Wanbu Bridge.

山的半中腰有一座亭子。A pavilion is halfway up the hill.

像一座六角亭。It looks like a hexagonal pavilion.

突然,远远的,她看到一个小亭子。Suddenly she saw a little pavilion.

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这里就是天一阁藏书楼了。This is the Tianyi Pavilion Library.

水钻亭面被镀上一层银。The Pavilion surface has silver coat.

瞧,那亭子高高地立在空中呢。Look, the pavilion is High in the sky.

噍,那亭子高高地立在空中呢。Look, the pavilion is high in the sky.

观日亭,在湄屿最高峰。Sun-view pavilion is at peak of Meiyu.

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我们将开车送你们到圣廷苑酒店。We'll drive you to the Pavilion Hotel.

那座亭子叫湖心亭。That pavilion is called Huxin Pavilion.

我们将开车送你们到圣廷苑酒店。We will drive you to the Pavilion Hotel.

其中山顶落霞亭为1949年以后增建。Peak Luoxia pavilion which is build 1949.

那这龙珠阁里有什么好东西吗?Are there any good things in the pavilion?

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由海南省贸促会组建。The Pavilion is organised by CCPIT Hainan.

这间亭子具有古风。The pavilion has an antiquated appearance.

春寒锁、旧家亭馆。Cold spell lock, the old home Pavilion Hall.