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他很快产生了制作一部讽刺短片的想法。But he quickly got an idea for a lampoon.

嘲讽用讽刺作品或好象用讽刺作品嘲弄或讽刺。To ridicule or satirize in or as if in a lampoon.

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这里雪莱用的是通俗的嘲讽手法。The style Shelley is using here is that of popular lampoon.

上述种种失态与缺乏经验,让卡钦斯基先生轻易成为讽刺的对象。Such gaffes and inexperience made Mr Kaczynski easy to lampoon.

他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。His cartoons mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.

哈佛的讽刺“城堡”,特有的朱鹭屋顶和紫黄相间的大门。The Harvard Lampoon "castle" with its characteristic rooftop ibis and its purple and yellow door.

例如,记者应嘲讽某一族裔或宗教团体有神圣意义的名称或形象吗?For example, should a journalist lampoon a name or image sacred to a particular ethnic or religious group?

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能够攻击别人的愚蠢,对他们错误的言行引起注意,讽刺那些本应该属于那些的。It is one thing to attack the stupidity of others, to draw attention to wrong doings, and to lampoon those deserving of it.

新闻工作者是否可以嘲笑一位政府官员或讽刺被某一族裔或宗教群体视为神圣的名称或图像?Is it right for a journalist to make fun of a public official or to lampoon a name or image that is sacred to a particular ethnic or religious group?

之后不多久,电影和即将到来的下一代愤青常挖苦这个传统,把它作为上级利用自豪感提高效率的一种象征。It wouldn't take long before movies and an upcoming generation of cynics would lampoon the tradition as a token gesture by the higher-ups to leverage ego for increased efficiency.

但无论怎样,讽刺后不管的态度在同一维度下不应该出现在任何文学表达中,除非不表达作为人的存在。Whatsoever the expression appears, lampoon followed the obscurity under the same dimension is not appropriate present in any literature except for the abnegation of being as a human.