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所有产品得到了中国人民保险公司的承保。The People's Insurance Company of China has underwritten all of its products.

本保险凭证经本公司审核并加盖公章后方可生效。This Certificate takes effect after be underwritten and stamped by our company.

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理事会是由大公司赞助的私人机构。The Conference Board was a private institute underwritten by major corporations.

通过建筑商的垫资就可以开工,工程至正负零就可以卖房。Underwritten by the developers can start projects to plus or minus zero can estate.

办理承销之股份来源,应全数为新股,该现增之新股,应全数办理上柜前公开销售。All underwritten shares must be new shares, and must be sold publicly prior to OTC listing.

因此,一个问题,我会是多少环保想像,其实是由承保的税补贴?So one question I would have is how much of Ecomagination is actually underwritten by tax subsidies?

这时,房产商就可垫资给政府做该市政项目,政府则在规定时间内还钱。Then got to be underwritten so that the municipal government projects, the government repay in a specified time.

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我们的诗人、剧作家、小说家、历史学家、传记作家和音乐家都拥有版权的保护。Our poets, playwrights, novelists, historians, biographers and musicians were all underwritten by copyright’s markets.

对于谁得到了担保、谁没得到担保,当没人心里有数的时候,就不会有确定性,而成本可能很大。When no one can be quite sure what is underwritten and what is not, certainty is not achieved, but the costs may be very large.

对比之下,纽约大学在阿布扎比新建的学院,也同样被政府财政保证,授予纽约大学文凭。By contrast, New York University’s ambitious new college in Abu Dhabi, also underwritten by the government there, awards N.Y.U. diplomas.

我们一直是扩大开放贸易体系的领导者,促使了其他发达国家和新型市场的经济增长。We have been a leader in expanding an open trading system. That has underwritten the growth of other developed and emerging markets alike.

无论如何,银行、汽车制造商与其它乱七八糟的行业都由政府承保的西方,并不处在一个理想的位置来教训别国。In any case, the west, whose banks, carmakers and god-knows-what else are underwritten by the state, is not in an ideal position to lecture others.

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这些联盟已经确保了半个多世纪的地区和平与安全,为该地区引人注目的经济崛起构建了有利的环境。They have underwritten regional peace and security for more than half a century, shaping the environment for the region’s remarkable economic ascent.

在承销期内,承销机构应当尽力向认购人出售其所承销的股票,不得为本机构保留所承销的股票。Within the underwriting period, the underwriters shall try to sell out the stocks underwritten and shall not be allowed to retain stock underwritten.

2007年5月24日,中信建投证券主承销的北京金隅集团有限责任公司8亿元企业债券成功发行。On May 24, 2007, the enterprise bond of Beijing Jinyu Group Co. , Ltd. of RMB 0.8 billion underwritten by CSC as lead underwriter was successfully issued.

任何属一般业务的直接业务或临时再保险业务,而所涉及的风险是在香港承保的,换言之。Any direct business or facultative reinsurance business, being general business, in relation to which the risk is underwritten in Hong Kong, that is to say.

华盛顿所期望的是永久的美国式和平,一种由美国在亚洲的力量所担保的自由的和平,即使世界上人口最稠密的国家再次出现也难移其志。Washington seeks the perpetuation of Pax Americana, a liberal peace underwritten by American power in Asia, despite the re-emergence of the world's most populous country.

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环保规定执行不力或根本不执行规定、廉价融资以及争夺投资的地方政府提供的多项鼓励措施,都支撑着这种现象。The phenomenon has been underwritten by lax or non-existent enforcement of environmental rules, cheap finance and multiple incentives offered by regions competing for investment.

从前管辖你们的君王阿勒乌,致书大司祭敖尼雅时,曾称你们是我们的弟兄,正如所附副本指出的一样。There were letters sent long ago to Onias the high priest from Arius who reigned then among you, to signify that you are our brethren, as the copy here underwritten doth specify.

筹集资金,包括以体制和成熟的投资者配售和全数包销的不可弃权的权利提供给本公司全体股东。The capital raising comprises a placement to institutional and sophisticated investors and a fully underwritten non-renounceable entitlements offer to all shareholders of the Company.