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这里电视节目的接收情况不佳。Reception of TV programmes is unsatisfactory here.

测试结果的特别记录是令人不满的。Ad-hoc recording of test results is unsatisfactory.

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他的站姿就像一个歪歪扭扭的问号。His posture would be unsatisfactory for a question mark.

这部小说越到结尾写得越简单,不能令人满意。The novel dwindles away to a most unsatisfactory ending.

我讨厌你这话的弦外之音,似乎我的工作不能令人满意。I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.

开箱后,我方发现颜色不令人满意。When unpacking the case, we found the colour unsatisfactory.

如何重建那些质量不令人满意的学校?How will schools with unsatisfactory results be re-structured?

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“我们有两种众所周知的,但完全不令人满意的解释,”特纳说。"We have two known, totally unsatisfactory explanations," Turner said.

目前唯一能采取的方法是输卵管通水,不过效果并不理想。The only way is to take tubal water, but the results are unsatisfactory.

懒惰及上课不留心,各科成绩欠佳,必须加倍努力。Lazy and inattentive in class. Unsatisfactory results, should work harder.

你认为一个经理对一个员工不合要求的工作应该做出怎么的反应。How do you think a manager should react to an employee’s unsatisfactory work?

这样一来不仅是亚里士多德体系对此观点极为不满。Now not only Aristotelian science very unsatisfactory from this point of view.

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尤其是对中文信息的搜索效果常常不理想。Especially for Chinese information search, the results are often unsatisfactory.

“真相上有些身离对工厂来说是不满意的。”不满的经理说。In fact, some factors are unsatisfactory to the factory, "the dissatisfied manager said."

如果服务继续达不到要求,他们会要求允许中止服务。They demand they be allowed to terminate the service if unsatisfactory service continues.

目前高校的党风廉政宣传教育有很多难以尽如人意的地方。There are still some unsatisfactory aspects as to the college propaganda of Party honesty.

与如此强烈的时代要求形成鲜明对比的是民营医院人力资源管理现状的不尽如人意。With contrast to the age' s hot demand is the unsatisfactory fact of our private hospital.

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这流动性,减少到垂直平面,是令人不满的在刮板链式传送机。This mobility, reduced to the vertical plane, is unsatisfactory in a scraper chain conveyor.

从效率与公平两个方面来考量,我国的证券法律、法规还不尽如人意。Considering it from two aspects of efficiency and justice, the legislations is unsatisfactory.

然而,从上市企业来看,国有企业公司制改后造绩效普遍不理想。But according to listed enterprise, the performance is generally unsatisfactory after changing.