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然而,在北京市中心的华普超市,周四上午盐就卖光了。Nonetheless, in downtown Beijing, Huapu Hypermarket sold out of salt Thursday morning.

您知道西门町吗?西门捷运站附近有个大卖场。Do you know a place named Ximending? There is a hypermarket near the Ximen MRT station.

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这些小店主们很清楚那个超级市场将会抢走他们的部分生意。The small shopkeepers realized that the hypermarket will take away some of their trade.

天津家世界连锁超市有限公司是华北地区最大的超市连锁企业。Tianjin Home World Hypermarket Company Limited is the largest hypermarket chain store company in North China.

每家购物中心将以乐购超市为主力租户,其中两家购物中心将建成综合功能的住宅区。Each mall will have a Tesco hypermarket as its anchor tenant, with two of the centres being mixed-use developments.

这家超大型连锁加油站有各种名牌食品、洁净的卫生间、友好的服务并且结帐迅速。The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts.

在昨天的家乐福拟在杨高南路开设大型超市听证会上,有些评委提出了这个建议。At yesterday's hypermarket to be opened in large supermarkets Young high South hearings, Some members raised this proposal.

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古斯蒂南达把印尼称为传染性疾病的“超大市场”,她说,研究疾病不应该有保护主义。Gustiananda, who calls Indonesia a "hypermarket" for infectious diseases, says research on disease should not spark protectionism.

同时,我们也为大的零售集团提供产品,例如沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙、北京华联等大型超市。We also provide products to clients in the wholesale industry such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Metro, and Beijing Hualian Hypermarket.

但是去过家乐福大卖场或国美电器的人会说,那些地方有好多人排着队去消费。But anyone who has been to a Carrefour hypermarket or Gome appliance store can tell you there are plenty of people lining up to buy.

美国大型超市巨头沃尔玛目前由传立媒体负责其在中国的媒体采购和策划。沃尔玛其它同行包括家乐福,特易购和麦德龙。Wal-Mart, a US-based hypermarket giant, currently works with Mindshare on media buying and planning in China. Other industry players include Carrefour, Tesco and Metro AG.

随著经济的快速成长,国人消费的消费型态也已经由强调「自助式、低价、一次购足」的大型量贩店取代了传统的零售店。As economy grows up fast, compatriots' consuming patterns have changed to a large-scale hypermarket that emphasizes on "self -service, low price, once purchase" from a traditional retail business.

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世界上最大的比萨饼纪录于1990年诞生于南非,当时诺伍德大超市制作了一个周长为122英尺,直径为8英寸的比萨饼,用料9920磅面粉、3968磅奶酪和1984磅酱料。That record was set in 1990 in South Africa, where Norwood Hypermarket made a pizza 122 feet, eight inches in diameter, using 9,920 pounds of flour, 3,968 pounds of cheese and 1,984 pounds of sauce.

第三章利用波特行业竞争模型对我国大型综合超市业态的竞争结构进行了分析,揭示了市场中产生的各种机会和对于特定企业的威胁。In the third chapter, by using Portor's industry structure model, the author fully analyzes the competition structure of hypermarket in China and reveals the threats and opportunities for hypermarket.