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查理向南行走来到一座桥。Charlie walked southward to a bridge.

他沿着韦斯特兰横街朝南踱去。He walked southward along Westland row.

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许多鸟类每年冬季都移栖南方。Many birds migrate southward every winter.

这一小气团取代南方冷气团,向南推进。The bubble has displaced cold air southward.

一清早,他们启航向南行驶。Early in the morning, they set sail southward.

这条街向南延伸约三英里。The street extends southward about three miles.

飞上天——上天可是迎南来雁?Fly up to the sky-up to meet the southward geese?

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受满语影响的汉语遂向南传播。Hanyu with the Manchu influence spread southward.

我在秋日里沉思迟迟,望断南凝汽。I musing late in the autumn day, gazing off southward.

明月升起,星星闪烁,一群乌鹊向南飞去。Stars around the moon are few, the crows fly to southward.

这些鸟春天移栖到北方,秋天移栖到南方。These birds migrate northward in spring and southward in fall.

而向南则宜作为辅助扩展方向。For southward extension, the assistant direction may be better.

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麦田向南不断延绵直至人眼的穷尽。The cornfields stretched southward as far as the eye could see.

在地图上可以看出湖水向东和向南奔泻。From the map, one can see water spilling eastward and southward.

卡拉奇港以东,马里尔河从北向南流向大海。East of the port, the Malir River flows southward toward the sea.

我们的车了从思茅往南开,通过丛山,开往景洪。From Simao we drove southward through the mountains towards Jinghong.

因为海洋温暖,这种品种正在繁荣起来,向南扩展它们的范围。As oceans warm this species is prospering expanding its range southward.

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急流正以同样的速度将小筏子和西斯潘尼奥拉号一起冲向南方。The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate.

潮流以同样的速度带着大船和小艇向南滑行。The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate.

如果两个磁场都都很强且均朝南,能量传递会更大。If it is both southward and big, the energy transfer rate is even bigger.