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不要拖延时间。Do not procrastinate.

拖延你的目标。Procrastinate on your goals.

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我总是拖延返税。I procrastinate doing my tax return.

而这也是为什么你不能再拖延了。This is why you can't procrastinate.

你喜欢拖延还是喜欢说到做到?Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious?

我也曾在某些任务中耽搁了。Also, I did procrastinate on certain tasks.

我从来不用电视消磨时间或拖延时间。I don’t kill time or procrastinate with TV.

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但是明天可能下雨,不要耽搁了。It might rain tomorrow. Don't procrastinate.

我有意把它简单化,这样你就不会拖沓了。I purposely made it easy, so you wouldn’t procrastinate.

当你的身体觉醒时,你会拖着不行周公之礼吗?Do you procrastinate on sex when you’re physically aroused?

人们经常用一些人所共知的借口去拖延时间。People often use several well-known excuses to procrastinate.

我们可能会因为不知道下一步该干什么而懒惰。We may procrastinate because we are not sure what to do next.

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任务是模糊的时候,你就会拖延。You are making yourself procrastinate when your tasks are vague.

生活中,虽然在一些事情上拖拉,我却真的想改变它们。But I procrastinate on the things I really want to change in my life.

我这人拖拖拉拉的部分原因是我的精神生活很丰富。Part of the reason I procrastinate is that I have a rich mental life.

所以,为了给自己再次充电,偶尔拖延一次是很有好处的。So it's good to procrastinate once in a while in order to recharge yourself.

麦克莱伦的惰性突出了拖延的若干经典诱因。McClellan’s “immobility” highlights several classic reasons we procrastinate.

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不要受干扰,注意那些会让你分神的事物。Don't let yourself procrastinate and beware of things that would sidetrack you.

我们会拖延那些我们不想做的事情,例如交税。We will procrastinate over things we really don't want to do-such as paying taxes.

当你接受了一个新的项目或任务,请不要拖拉,应立即投入其中。When you receive a new project or task, don’t procrastinate. Attend to it right away.