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然后会有些人问咪咪她是否记得大屠杀。Then there are those who asked if Mimi remembered the Holocaust.

伯杰说他母亲的家族在大屠杀中失去了26个成员。Berger said his mother's family lost 26 members in the Holocaust.

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欧洲的反犹太主义最终发展成一场史无前例的浩劫。And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust.

这是每安息日,除日常的全燔祭和奠祭外,应献的安息日全燔祭。Which regularly are poured out every sabbath for the perpetual holocaust.

奥辛威茨集中营总是让世人想起大屠杀。The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.

许多大屠杀的遗孤和收养他们的家庭一起生活。Many children orphaned by the Holocaust stayed with their adopted families.

奥许维次集中营总是让世人想起纳粹对犹太民族的大屠杀。The Auschwitz Concentration Camp always reminds the world of the holocaust.

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第二章探讨了犹太大屠杀对犹太民族心理上所造成的恐惧。The second chapter discusses the fear in Jewry's mind left by the Holocaust.

20世纪60年代末,他曾评价过移居加拿大的二战屠杀幸存者。In the late 1960s, he evaluated Holocaust survivors who had immigrated to Canada.

他们约占所有在大屠杀中被杀死的犹太人的1/6。They accounted for about one-sixth of all the Jews exterminated during the Holocaust.

再一次,人类彼此战争而以地球的一次核毁灭达到顶峰。Yet again humans warred upon one another culminating in a nuclear holocaust of earth.

以东京市为中心方圆15英里都在一场大屠杀中被夷为平地。Fifteen square miles of downtown Tokyo were burned to the ground in a gigantic holocaust.

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吉普赛艺术家兼大屠杀幸存者施查·史托卡在奥地利去世,终年79岁。The Roma artist and holocaust survivor Ceija Stojka has died in Austria at the age of 79.

位诺贝尔奖桂冠诗屠杀还者,次议予道德视。Elie Weisel, a Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor, added his moral weight to the debate.

另一名发言人法瓦兹·巴荷姆则称这次空袭是一场“大屠杀”,是“战争行为”。Fawzi Barhoum, another spokesman, called the air strikes a "holocaust" and "an act of war".

他发明的氰化氢毒气则在大屠杀时期被用于毒气室处决。His Zyklon B became the preferred method of execution in gas chambers during the Holocaust.

与里伯斯金设计的博物馆类似,洛杉矶大屠杀博物馆也侧重于唤起人们强烈的情感。Similar to Leibeskind's Musuem, the LA Holocaust Musuem focuses on evoking intense emotions.

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后来,由于欧洲大屠杀,又有欧洲其他部份的人移居到这里。The subsequent Holocaust in Europe led to additional immigration from other parts of Europe.

是的,以色列惧怕伊朗攻击他们进而无缘由地企图对他们进行屠杀。Yes, Israelis fear that Iran might gratuitously attempt another Holocaust by attacking them.

我对大屠杀教育基金主席詹纳勋爵感到失望,他不同意这个观点。And I was disappointed that Lord Janner, chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, did not.