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来参加我们的狂欢。Come and join in the merrymaking.

参加喧哗的畅饮的寻欢作乐。To engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking.

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史蒂夫立即就加入到他们的狂欢中。Steve wasted no time joining their merrymaking.

从清晨前开始狂欢者就充满了大街小巷。Merrymaking filled the streets from dawn onward.

尽情欢乐在新年前夕开始,持续到午夜。Merrymaking begins on New Year's Eve and builds up to midnight.

在尽情欢乐中,节日的本质被遗忘了。The true essence of the holiday is lost in all the merrymaking.

圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌舞蹈,恣意高兴。On Christmas Eve, people dance and sing around Christmas tree merrymaking.

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他踏进社会,寻欢作乐,沉湎其中。He entered society, gave the day over to merrymaking and wallow in among them.

狂欢节,一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。A festival marked by merrymaking and feasting during the season just before Lent.

来吧,在这里逗留,尽情欢乐,然后开始余下的澳大利亚之旅。Come on, stay here, and then start and merrymaking the rest of the trip to Australia.

德国警方说,可能是狂欢者发射的流弹击中了该名男子。The German Police said that possibly was the stray bullet which the merrymaking launched has hit this man.

对于普通人来说,似乎每天都是假日,寻欢作乐永无尽头。To the common people it seemed as though every day was holiday, and that the merrymaking would have no end.

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及时的圣诞节问候与狂欢,可以帮助我们忘掉冰冻与大雪带来的季节性痛苦。The seasonable greetings and merrymaking of christmas help us to forget the seasonal miseries of frost and snow.

因此寻欢作乐在继续着,人们叫着笑着唱着跳着尝试着忘掉外面咆哮的暴风雨。So the merrymaking went on, with shouting and laughter and singing and occasional dancing as the crowd tried to forget the howling storm outside.

他的存在和赌徒们嘈杂的欢笑形成了鲜明的对比,以至于在这群人中形成了一个寒意纵生的阴影,寻欢作乐渐渐地成了局促的暂停。His appearance was in such contrast to the noisy merriment of the gamblers that it cast a cold shadow upon the group, and gradually the merrymaking came to an uneasy pause.

圣诞节的十二天,是一个盛宴和尽情欢乐的时期,在第十二夜,主显节盛宴的时候结束。这个时期与圣诞节的礼拜季节相一致。These twelve days of Christmas, a period of feasting and merrymaking , end on Twelfth Night, the Feast of the Epiphany. This period corresponds with the liturgical season of Christmas.

孩子和家长在社区住户热情招待下,口袋一下子就装满了糖果,乐也融融。Thus ensued a merrymaking costume clad procession of children and parents meeting new acquaintances and hosts, with pockets quickly filling up with candy, all where happy and satisfied.

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动力十足雄心勃勃的火星位于狮子这样一个火相固定星座,意味着你已经拥有大量的精力和魅力去推动事情的进展和完成,尤其是在爱情和行乐方面。The presence of dynamic and aggressive Mars in fixed and fiery Leo suggests you've got plenty of gusto and oomph to push ahead and get things done, especially when it comes to love and merrymaking.