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大豆种子是正常性种子。Soybean seeds belong to Orthodox seeds.

全世界最北边的东正教堂。The world’s northernmost Orthodox church.

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东正教徒有七十万。There are 700,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians.

反例应用,胜过正教。Counter-example application, than the Orthodox.

你称自己是犹太教正统派,-是的。And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew. -Yes.

儒家思想是中国的正统思想。Confucian thought is the orthodox thought in China.

一名土著人突然用相当标准的英语说道。Said one aborigine suddenly in very orthodox English.

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他喜欢俄国东正教中唱诗班的音乐He loved the choir music of Russian Orthodox services.

这是希腊东正教大斋期的第一天。This is the first day of the Greek Orthodox Great Lent.

正教会和雅各派教会也谴责草案。The Orthodox and Jacobite churches have also condemned it.

我们曾经在传统节日和东正教婚礼上演奏。We used to play at ethnic festivals and Orthodox weddings.

埃塞俄比亚东正教教堂已经传授了2000年这样的教义。The Ethiopian Orthodox church has taught this for 2000 years.

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这是对她家里正统犹太教的清规戒律的明显反抗。It was an obvi reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.

记忆的艺术在神秘主义的正统方法的核心。The Art of Memory was at the core of orthodox mystical methods.

过去几年来,英格伍德的正统派犹太社区发展壮大起来。Over the years, Englewood's Orthodox Jewish community has grown.

乌兹别克人是中亚最传统的民族。Uzbeks are among the most orthodox of the Central Asian peoples.

俄罗斯族中大部分人信仰东正教。Most believers amongst the Russian minority are Eastern Orthodox.

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这是对她家里正统犹太教的清规戒律的明显反抗。It was an obvious reaction to the Orthodox strictness of her home.

她在东正教的赞美诗中被提出及到为“神的母亲”。She is often referred to as "Theotokos" in Eastern Orthodox hymns.

同时也深受东正教、基督教和巫术文化的影响。However, Orthodox Christianity and Shamanism have also contributed.