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这活儿做得太糙。This is very slipshod work.

你表达得太不认真。You're too slipshod about your presentation.

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他在处理资料来源时有时有点潦草。He is sometimes slipshod in handling his sources.

有些电视剧是粗制滥造的。Some TV plays are made in a rough and slipshod way.

一切都松松垮垮,墨守成规,得过且过,隐隐有些老百姓办事的味道。They would muddle on in the old slipshod way of trusting to chance.

爸爸绝对不赞成花功夫看那些粗编滥造、滥画的东西。Dad was not in favor of spending time on books made in a rough and slipshod way.

参众两院对此法进行了数周马虎的听证和辩论。The two houses held slipshod hearings and debates on the bill for several weeks.

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除非在极短期内使用粗疏的会计方法来考察,否则出售资产不会解决问题。Selling assets does not solve the problem, except in a very short-term slipshod accounting sense.

影片看似粗疏,甚至外行的时候,但其态度是如此奔放,它的难以抗拒。The movie looks slipshod and even amateurish at times, yet its attitude is so bubbly it's hard to resist.

专家解释说,这是因为灾害、贫困、社会问题、危楼还有霉运接踵而至。That's because of a killer combination of geography , poverty , social problems , slipshod building standards and bad luck, experts say.

行事不只图眼前,有长远见识,做事不马虎,不被利益所诱惑,宁可为荣誉献身,也不为求存而受屈辱。One who acts with a long term view, is not slipshod in his work, not corrupted and would rather sacrifice with honor than to live in shame.

但是,爱因斯坦十分随便,平时穿衣服不讲究,给我的印象非常好,我们侃侃而谈,没有任何架子。We didn't have in-dept discussion. Einstein was slipshod in wearing clothes. I had very good impression on him. We talked very freely. He was easy of approach.

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因此写作前必须先思索文章可能的漏洞,若作者对议题调查不足或研究草率,就犯了傲慢的毛病。Before the writing, then, comes the thinking. There can be no holes in it. Writers who lightly survey an issue or perform slipshod research are guilty of hubris.

机构常常忙于对其提案的成本利润进行非常马虎的分析,总是由于偏袒自己的决定程序而推崇独自得出的分析结果。Agencies often engage in extremely slipshod cost-benefit analysis of their proposals, frequently biasing their results in favor of their projected course of action.

你们可以和我们争论,干嘛你们的失误不算是失误,干嘛低级的作业竟可作为优秀,干嘛你们可以对平平常常、漫不经心的发言感到得意洋洋。With us you could argue about why your errors were not errors, why mediocre work really was excellent, why you could take pride in routine and slipshod presentation.

在某些层面上看这是一个好消息,那些不认真奉行标准的小公司正在被更大,更好的公司取代,在哪里创办公司将基于个人的选择而不再是经济的需要。Small firms with slipshod standards are being replaced by bigger, better ones. Where people are creating companies, they are doing so out of choice, not economic necessity.

换句话说,如果你在安排工作时间的时候没有考虑到特殊情况的话,你最终可能会交个烂摊子或者压根没时间去完成工作。In other words, if you have allowed no time at the end of your project before it’s due, you run the risk of turning in slipshod work or not being able to complete it at all.

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民主党目前推迟采取措施,一定程度上是因为政府希望将大约1000万个退休金帐户与受益人进行匹配,由于记录工作的纰漏,很多更换工作的人有着多个退休金帐户。The delay is partly because the government wants to match about 10 million pension records with beneficiaries, as many who have switched jobs have multiple records thanks to slipshod recordkeeping.