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暴风雨后,海上漂浮著遇难船只的残骸和货物。After the storm, the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam.

生病和饥饿的难民是遭战祸而流离失所的苦命人。Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.

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乔布斯则不会在这些没用的东西上浪费他或者我们的时间。Steve Jobs did not waste his time or ours with similar flotsam.

海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎什物。The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam.

有些人认为网路上包括许多杂七杂八的东西。Some people feel that the Internet contains a lot of flotsam and jetsam.

她一辈子攒了许多零零碎碎的东西,可从来未翻看过它们。She stored every flotsam relic of her life without ever looking at it again.

它们紧偎着海,那褶褶皱皱的叶子在残木断骸间跳着康康舞。They fringe the sea, their frilly leaves dance a Can-Can amongst the flotsam.

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我女儿搬家时,她将把不要的东西送给救世军。When my daughter moves, she will give her flotsam and jetsam to the Salvation Army.

我们应该去面对真相吗?如果我们不承认有上帝,我们都是宇宙中的流离失所者。Shouldn't we face the truth? If we don't acknowledge God, we are flotsam in the universe.

弗洛瑞斯岛其他的早期动物移民,也许是游泳,或意外地乘坐漂流物到岛上的。The other early fauna on Flores probably got there by swimming or accidentally drifting over on flotsam.

记忆、情感、条件反射和其他各种心理碎片会改变我们每一个全新的体验。Memories, emotions, conditioning and all sorts of other mental flotsam taint every new experience you gain.

此外蒂里翁在岛上甚至发现了被风吹来的蜘蛛,和坐着海上漂浮物过来的蚂蚁。Thirion has even discovered spiders, which he deduces were windborne, and ants, probably carried on flotsam.

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她父亲也死了,她最终也将死去,也留下生活的残余让后人清理,以这种想法看那黄色小条上的字句就有意义了。So was her father. So would she be eventually, all the flotsam of her life left for someone else to clean up.

我们面对所发现的标志性漂流物兴奋不已,而贝蒂则会与我们分享她更多的发现。Between exclamations of delight at the telltale flotsam we discovered, Betty would share more of her findings.

他们不想再看到无家可归的人到处游荡,对他们来说,这些人不该出现在他们的社区附近。They're tired of seeing homeless people wandering around. To them, such FLOTSAM AND JETSAM needs to be removed.

我不必告诉你有关信息的混乱,这封不实邮件不过是信息垃圾的沧海一粟罢了,而且我们不知道自己什么时候会沦陷。I don’t have to tell you about the information mess, of which that email is just one tiny but toxic piece of flotsam.

一些学者和爱好者坚信那些自古飘到美洲来的不仅仅是木材、钉子和其它废弃物,还包括那些水手、渔夫以及侥幸逃生后在美洲定居了的乘客。Some scholars and aficionados believe that ancient drifts brought more than just timbers, nails, and other inanimate flotsam to the Americas.

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幸而这些顾虑并没有成为事实。风向转往东南,“花岗石宫”的整个海滩都有遗物角给挡住了风。But, very fortunately, these fears were not realized. The wind shifted to the southeast, and there the beach of Granite House was completely covered by Flotsam Point.

介绍铬酸酐生产中,含铬硫酸氢钠废料用于前工段中和、预酸化。The paper introduces the application of chromic flotsam natrium bisulfate in the course of neutralization and pre acidification in industry of chromic acid anhydride.

天文学家所熟知的尤金尼亚,直径大约为133英里,是火星与土星之间巨大碎石流中数千颗宇宙碎片中的一块。Known to astronomers as Eugenia, it measures about 133 miles across and is one of thousands of bits of cosmic flotsam in the great rubble stream between Mars and Jupiter.