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但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

一些政客还称,他的名字还出现在民主党全国委员会主席的候选名单中。His name has also been floated as a possible chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Politico reported.

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政客们最近列举了至少56个参议员可能会阻碍环保局实施二氧化碳条例。Politico recently counted at least 56 senators who were likely to favor blocking the E. P. A. from enforcing carbon dioxide rules.

一个女孩甚至哭了,”安妮.斯克罗伊德.姆林斯说到,她曾是政治报的作家,5月辞职后开了自己的一家公关公司。One girl actually cried,” said Anne Schroeder Mullins, who wrote for Politico until May, when she left to start her own public relations firm.

这些读者群对于那些渴望话题的广告商来说无疑极具吸引力,Politico也因此在奥巴马执政的第一年就盈利。That's an appealing audience for issue-advocacy advertisers, which helped Politico turn a profit in the first year of the Obama administration.

同时,一个奥巴马政府的不知名的高级官员告诉POLITICO.COM新闻网站,说这只是奥巴马的外交礼节而已。Meanwhile, an unnamed, senior Obama administration official told the news site that the president had simply been observing protocol.

范德黑先生和哈里斯先生说,他们知道记者们有时会觉得有压力。但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。Mr. VandeHei and Mr. Harris say they know that reporters can feel pressured at times. But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

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“有时你觉得太过了,不管是工作量还是压力,”前政治报记者海伦娜.安德鲁斯说,她离开后开始写一本传记。“Sometimes you felt like it was just too much, whether it’s the workload, the pressure,” said Helena Andrews, a former Politico reporter who left to write a memoir.

在首次由Politico.com报道到的一份丰田内部文件中,丰田表示,联邦安全局关注更多的是法律问题,而非工程学问题。In the internal document, which was first reported by, Toyota said the federal safety agency was focusing more on legal issues and less on engineering issues.

Politico援引民主党与共和党官员的话报导称,奥巴马将在下周初公布这一决定,届时他还将确认选择希拉里担任国务卿的决定.Quoting officials in both Democratic and Republican parties, Politico said the announcements would be made early next week when Obama would also confirm his choice of Clinton.

参议员-麦克·恩兹介绍美国参议院预算委员会对总统奥巴马医疗法案的决议。根据政客新闻网的发布,院会表决有望在下周进行。Sen. Mike Enzi introduced the resolutionby the Senate Budget Committee targeting President Barack Obama's healthcare law. Floor votes areanticipatednext week, according to Politico.

记者醒来发现范德黑先生或者哈里斯先生黎明前发来的电子邮件很正常---问他们为什么对手有的报道而政治报没有。It is not uncommon for reporters to awaken to find e-mail messages from either Mr. VandeHei or Mr. Harris — sent before dawn — asking why the competition had a story Politico did not.

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参议员-麦克·恩兹介绍美国参议院预算委员会对总统奥巴马医疗法案的决议。根据政客新闻网的发布,院会表决有望在下周进行。Sen. Mike Enzi introduced the resolution by the Senate Budget Committee targeting President Barack Obama's healthcare law. Floor votes are anticipated next week, according to Politico.

似乎我们就是在看一部没有政治家的电影,但事实上,史密斯正是他们中最标准的政客,抨击着这个自恋的游戏的形成。It appears as if we're actually watching a non-politician when, in fact, Smith turns out to be the most verbose politico of them all, beating the establishment at its own narcissistic game.

本杰明·富兰克林是美国革命时期的资产阶级民主主义思想家,杰出的政治活动家,卓越的科学家。他是美国18世纪仅列于华盛顿之后的最著名人物。Clear ·Franklin, is a bourgeois democracy ideologist in American Revolution. eximious politico and scientist as well. he is the greatest character , who lined after Washington in the 18th century.