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乌迪内斯已经将后卫克里斯蒂安·帕塔挂牌出售。Udinese have put defender Cristian Zapata up for sale.

伊塔里尼相信萨帕塔会对夏天转会去到英超很感兴趣。Italiani believes Zapata would be open to a move to the Premier League this summer.

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他是阿森纳以前的目标人物,萨帕塔目前还与弗留利体育场剩下两年的合同。A previous target of Arsenal, Zapata currently has two years left on his contract at the Stade Friuli.

作为同一周的萨帕塔谋杀18岁的受害者看到了一个单一的大屠杀和购物手榴弹袭击。The same week as the murder of Zapata saw a single massacre of 18 victims and a grenade attack on shoppers.

一些意大利俱乐部同样对萨帕塔有兴趣,但是目前来讲,我没有收到任何来自意大利或者是英格兰的报价。Several Italian clubs are also interested in Zapata but for the time being, I have not received any offers from Italy or England.

上个赛季的意甲联赛萨帕塔帮助乌迪内斯爬到了联赛第四名,而他和弗里乌利球场的合同还有两年到期。Zapata helped Udinese finish fourth in last season's Serie A and he still has two years left on his contract at the Stade Friuli.

在库珀广场酒店是一个新的现代化的玻璃和钢塔在波威节纽约市设计的卡洛斯萨帕塔工作室。The Cooper Square Hotel is a new modern glass and steel tower in the Bowery section of New York City designed by Carlos Zapata Studio.

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看样子似乎是“沃的空气将会改变”俱乐部同时也在关注乌迪内斯的后卫赞帕塔。It seems as if there will be an air of change weeping through Vinovo as the club are also allegedly keen on Udinese stopper Cristian Zapata.

本赛季,这位哥伦比亚的中后卫成为乌迪内斯后防线上的屏障,他在意甲联赛出场21次,帮助俱乐部排名暂列积分榜第六名。Colombian centre back Zapata has been a rock at the back for Udinese this campaign, and has made 21 Serie A appearances, helping the club into sixth place in the table.

然而,他只是读了一篇上个月他为古巴政府写的反对国外对于奥兰多萨帕塔一个近日以绝食来抗议的囚犯死亡的批评而辩解的文章。Instead, he read a text he penned last month in which he defended the Cuban government against foreign criticism over the recent death of a hunger-striking prisoner, Orlando Zapata.