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会思考的肉块!Thinking meat!

第六,神奇式思考Magical thinking.

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第一,一厢情愿Wishful thinking.

他们开始沉思默想。They fell to thinking.

你在乱想什么?What are you thinking?

一是统一思想认识。First, unity of thinking.

他停住了,苦思冥想。The man paused, thinking.

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这是痴心妄想。This is wishful thinking.

学会积极思考。Develop positive thinking.

你正想隆个鼻子?Thinking about a nose job?

思考空间也许很辽阔。Thinking space may be vast.

事实上,我希望我真能尽快得这么去做!I'm thinking the same thing.

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多思出智慧。Much thinking yields wisdom.

你应作更多的思考。You should do more thinking.

给我几分钟,我想想。Gimme a minute, I'm thinking.

涐不能停止対尔的思念。I can not thinking about you.

别烦我,我正在想事儿呢!Don't bother me. I'm thinking.

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杰克呆呆看着电视屏幕,想着心事。Jack gawks at the TV thinking.

认为签订了合同就万事大吉Thinking a contract is binding

你可是有一个善于思考的好头脑。You have a nice thinking head.